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Chris Christie, in dropping out of the GOP Presidential race, just gave one of the best speeches a Republican could make. Eight years too late. That's great that people like him, Bill Kristol, the Lincoln Project, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, and others sacrificed their careers when they saw Trump for what he was. Now, we have to unite the whole world against the clear and present danger of Donald Trump to this country.

@nazokiyoubinbou @VisualStuart Via Emptywheel:

Dear the Press: The REASON Trump launches these tirades, is bc he knows you're all INCAPABLE of reporting on the evidence that came before it. Simply absolute incapable of reporting on anything but his tirade, allowing him to drown out facts

It's amazing that Trump can confess to bribery on live television and Stone can be discovered to be plotting the assassination of members of Congress and neither is arrested and hauled away.

The special, preferential, and deferential privileges we give MAGAs are insane. They should be treated no differently than they treat poor people of color.

#politics #USpolitics #USpol

54/ Pagliery:

Judge ends trial with little fanfare.

"I will do my best… to issue a final decision in this case by January 31st. Not a promise, not a guarantee, but I'm reasonably confident I’ll be able to do that. You’ll all know about it," he says smiling.

Kise, Habba, Robert swiftly exit.

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38/ Klasfeld:

Summations return to AG's counsel Kevin Wallace one more time to describe the relief the state is requesting, e.g. the ~$370M disgorgement, lifetime NY real estate industry ban, and other injunctions.

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Apply the law to Trump as it would be applied to anyone else. That’s all. #trump

48/ Rubin:

“There is at least a hope,” by contrast, that a five-year bar would be enough for Eric and Don Jr., who are “grown men in their 40s,” have made millions from their roles and are “fully responsible for their actions.”

Jr., in particular, as trustee, signed certifications and representation letters attesting to the truth of his dad’s financial conditions. Even if he didn’t know, that kind of recklessness “has no business being an officer or director in a New York corporation.”

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45/ Rubin:

Wallace moves on to point out that despite the preliminary injunction, the Trump Org. made a $40 million transfer without notice to the court or the monitor. The AG argues the monitorship should be extended.

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Republicans are loathe to admit to themselves and/or to the rest of the world that the best “conservative” political entity they can come up with is an incompetent imbecile with zero redeeming personal qualities and only a nazi-leaning proto-fascist lust for a dictatorial kleptocracy to offer.

Trump Admits He Was “Doing Services” for Foreign Governments Who Paid Him | The New Republic:

35/ Pagliery:

It's 4:30, which normally marks the end of court session. But Wallace is about to discuss how much money the AG wants from Trump.

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34/ Rubin:

He notes the post-Weisselberg CFO, Mark Hawthorn, was deliberately kept far away from the statements of financial condition. In fact, he learned *during this trial* that information provided to Scottish auditors included cash belonging to Trump’s partner Vornado, which was not in Trump’s control.

That Eric and Don Jr. did not involve the one employee well versed in GAAP is further evidence of their intent, Amer argues.

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32/ Rubin:

Engoron interrupts to ask about Don Jr. & Eric’s intent. “I don’t see the evidence.”

Amer’s response? They held themselves out to the world as co-CEOs and represented they were fulfilling their legal responsibilities as trustee or CEO and then “put their heads in the sand.” That kind of recklessness is enough from which the court can infer intent

Engoron: “But you are not claiming Don Jr. had actual knowledge of the fraud?” Amer allows Jr’s knowledge is more constructive knowledge.

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NEW: Statement from the lawyers of the plaintiffs challenging Alabama’s ban:

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29/ Rubin:

Also not credible? Eric Trump’s testimony that he knew nothing about even the existence of his dad’s statements of financial condition until this case.

Emails going back to 2012 shows Eric was not only aware of those statements, but provided them to members of a Trump-purchased golf club to encourage them to maintain their memberships.

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27/ Rubin:

Trump also had a motive to exaggerate his net worth “to impress potential business partners and financial institutions” and did so by having his subordinates reverse engineer values of his assets from a target net worth number.

As for Don Jr. and Eric, they have now been at the helm of the Trump Org. for 7 years. They clearly have a motive to inflate Trump’s financial condition and exercised their authority to certify Trump’s financial statements.

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Looking for a remote role based in the US. I'm a quality-focused engineering lead, best at Python. I build teams, and solve hard problems.

Been a people manager and IC for 9 years, created a global testing practice of 50+ people. Worked in consulting, so I'm fluent with talking to clients and sales.

Graduating a data science master's in October, GPA is 4.0 with 9 classes done, would love a data science role.

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