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#Republicans #hate their own #constituents, and never pass up an opportunity to make their lives more difficult. In #Iowa, they literally want #poor #children to #starve. This isn't hyperbole, either. It's their actual words and policies.

@cat_static That was always the root of antisemitism. It allows disparate haters to unite over a common enemy that can be found everywhere. It allows xenophobia to scale up and be harnessed on a global scale. That’s why, at least as long as a Jewish diaspora exists, it will not go away.

"Former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi said in a column for MSNBC Friday that those threats — which include threats of beheadings and to "slam dunk a judge’s baby into the trashcan" — are only going to keep coming."

"As reported by Figliuzzi, these posts seem more than just idle talk: "Other messages discussed precisely how to kill the justices and other supposed enemies, including using bombs, hollow-point ammunition, rifles and ropes.""

December 22, 2023- “JN.1—a new, highly mutated COVID variant—could cause one of the largest U.S. waves yet, experts say.”

Chinese buffet. We always did Chinese buffet on Christmas Eve and went to a movie on Christmas Day.



"Essentially, when you're infected with measles, your immune system abruptly forgets every pathogen it's ever encountered before – every cold, every bout of flu, every exposure to bacteria or viruses in the environment, every vaccination. The loss is near-total and permanent. Once the measles infection is over, current evidence suggests that your body has to re-learn what's good and what's bad almost from scratch. "

😎🤔 WTF made Rudy go so abysmally wrong???

Joe Biden removes"Russian pawn" Giuliani suit to federal court.

Rudy sued Biden for having said:

“His buddy Rudy Giuliani. He’s being used as a Russian pawn. He’s being fed information that is Russian — that is not true.”

See anything wrong in it?

While happening under the Trump-admin:

"American intelligence agencies were not spying on Giuliani, but on the people with whom he was talking, the source said, including Andrii Derkach, who has been identified by the Treasury Department as a Russian agent. That collection led them to learn about Giuliani's dealings with Derkach and other Russian operatives who wanted to feed him information attempting to discredit Democrat Joe Biden, the source said."

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #Giuliani #Derkach #KremlinAssets #RussianAssets #RussianAgents

Two positions have opened up on the USPS Board of Governors—the only people with authority to fire Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

Forces that stand to profit from further privatization, service cuts, and price hikes at the USPS are aggressively pressuring President Biden to fill those positions.

President Biden can—and should—fill both positions with people who actually care about protecting the Post Office and getting rid of DeJoy.

#USPostalService #Petition

@elsantonegro @GreenFire @TruthSandwich Yes, because at least he's trying to encourage Bibi to stop. The other guy will not do that. In fact, a vote for anyone but Biden may facilitate genocides and deportations here in the US.

Oooh - the University of Toronto is hiring an assistant professor of infosec, to be affiliated with the fantastic Citizen Lab:

Even some Dems have a hard time dealing with Biden's very relaxed, methodical demeanor. 9 years of tRump's mania & lies have made Americans expect show biz & flim-flam from their politicians. The mature, experienced, devoted (& low-key) ones are now thought to be ineffective or weak. I hope we can come back from this.

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