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Russian-Israeli hostage escaped from Hamas but was found and returned by Gazans, says aunt

The 25-year-old dual national managed to escape when the building was bombed, but after hiding out for a few days, he was caught and returned to Hamas, Magid said during a call to the radio station.

“... Gazans caught him and returned him to the hands of the terrorists,” Magid added.

#News #WorldNews #War #Israel

NPR: Casey McIntyre decided she wanted her legacy to be clearing medical debt. But her husband says they never dreamed it would get this big.#news #NPR

SF Supervisor Harvey Milk, who was assassinated OTD in 1978, wasn't just "openly gay," as he is often called. He was specifically building a coalition that included working people, union leaders, the #LGBTQ+ community, people of color, disabled folks, young people, and elders. That's why he was so dangerous to the Establishment. And that coalition never recovered.

@littlemiao @jmb I can hear it now. Any time anyone says "Elon is an antisemite" from here on out, his fans will go "But he was in Israel and the prime minister escorted him around!" It's a little like if you say that Trump's embassy move ceremony was little more than an altar call, Trump's fans go "But Israel didn't have a problem with it!" Disgusting.

Trump claims he intentionally mixes up Obama and Biden because, per modern GOP conspiracy theories, Obama is still running things. First of all, no. Trump mixes them up because his brain is addled. Just like he mixes up World War II and III, and thinks Victor Orban rules Turkiye. I suppose in America in 2023, it’s still easier to blame a Black man for something he’s not remotely responsible for.

What a slime ball on so many levels. But by all means, keep talking #Santos.

Santos Accuses GOP Colleagues of Drunkenness, Adultery, Insider Trading

Santos isn't going quietly.

Santos: "He's going to be undermined all thru-out this election process by very ppl who shd be supporting him...These ppl will undermine him, they will get in his way, they will redirect voters from him to others. Make no mistake, there are a lot of Members in this body in GOP who hate Trump."

Selling pardons for $2M bribes, apparently: never investigated or not enough evidence. #TFG is culpable of innumerable crimes. Delayed justice is justice denied *for Americans.

Braun shouldn't have been pardoned: convicted major drug dealer: <2 years into a 10 year prison term -allegedly running a mafia-like illegal loan shark op, & using threats of violence to make sure people paid up. Braun’s family had told confidants -willing to spend $Ms to get him out of prison-.

“People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.”
― Eric Hoffer

Elon Musk in Israel 

Please do not be fooled by Elon #Musk's photo-op tour of #Israel today. It is nothing but transparent Jew-washing in an attempt to get corporate advertisers back on his cesspool of a platform, following the PR disaster that exposed him as antisemite.

Why Benjamin Netanyahu is playing along with this charade is beyond me but let me assure you, the overwhelming majority of Israelis see Musk for what he is - A malevolent, racist, antisemitic, sociopath conman billionaire.

“It’s open season on #journalists,” this time in small town Alabama, where 69-year-old #reporter and 72-year-old #publisher are arrested, jailed. In other words, they’re being prosecuted by people they’ve known most of their adult lives. Small town officials feel emboldened by the financial troubles of #newspapers #legacymedia. #FirstAmendment #FreePress #FreeSpeech

Via The NY Times:

Mayor Anne Hidalgo of #Paris announced on #X that she was quitting the social media site because it had devolved into a “gigantic global sewer” for disinformation, hatred, anti-Semitism and racism, and a “tool for destroying our democracies.” #Twitter #Musk


Bottom line: Neither #Trump's civil fraud trial, nor any of his other trials, will have any effect. He is above the law now.

If we don't all show up and vote next year, the law as we have known it since the end of Jim Crow won't even exist any more.

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