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Intercepted calls from the front lines in #Ukraine show a growing number of #Russian soldiers want out


In secret recordings obtained by #AP of Russians calling home from #Kharkiv, #Luhansk & #Donetsk, there’s no "dying the death of the brave”

AP verified identities of people in the calls by speaking with relatives and soldiers — some of whom are still at war in Ukraine — and researching open-source material linked to the phone numbers used by the soldiers.


You won't find me defending Netanyahu's disastrous policies

But all that is irrelevant at the present moment. Our survival depends on the destruction of Hamas

“This afternoon, following the release of Abigail Edan by Hamas, President Biden spoke by phone with members of Abigail's family in the United States and Israel. President Biden spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the latest developments in Israel and Gaza and the recent release of hostages, including Abigail Edan, by Hamas.” - White House

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That was the moment when Strauss uttered the words that precipitated the uproar: Hamas are murderers. That’s all they are. Every one should be killed, and I hope they all are killed.

"It is shocking and deeply upsetting that three young Palestinians were shot here in Burlington,” says the Vermont city’s former mayor, Sen. Bernie Sanders. “Hate has no place here, or anywhere. I look forward to a full investigation. My thoughts are with them and their families."

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Hamas murdered both her parents in front of her. Her brother and sister hid in a cupboard for more than 14 hours to eacape the same fate. She spent her birthday as a hostage held by terrorists.

That’s not legitimate resistance, one more time for the people in the rear.

Hamas Release American Hostage: Abigail Eden, 4, Is Home |


The enormous American pressure is working:

Israel agrees to extend the ceasefire up to ten days, whereas ten hostages will be released each day.
#AureFreePress #News #Israel #gaza #Hamas #USA #Biden #BreakingNews #Breaking

My wife is making a new turkey chili recipe and it calls for pumpkin puree.

Help settle a dispute. Does this belong in chili?


The fight against Hamas isn't one that can be fought without many civilians casualties

But not fighting Hamas means Israel will cease to exist

A request: not all of us have access to streaming services that allow us early availability of popular TV. That is, if you post Dr. Who spoilers for the specials, I hope a Vogon Constructor Ship comes through and demolishes your planet for a hyperspace bypass, see if I don't. I may also mute you for a few weeks, so please be kind, and CW your spoilery posts. Thank you.

#Trump bitterly complained about the fact that charges won’t be against Joe Biden over handling of classified documents.

"Wow! Fake news CNN, through a leak from the Department of InJustice, has just reported that no charges will be filed in the much bigger than mine Crooked Joe Biden case having to do with documents." #Trump

The first punishment for #Trump should be that he must attend grammar school for 7 years.

"If someone goes to a protest event, they should be held responsible for what other people say at that event."

#EvanPoll #poll

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