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Worf: I should check in on my nemesis.
Worf: I want to make sure they're doing poorly in these trying times.

Digital "Experts" GOP hired to find election fraud, say they weren't hired to find fraud, but to falsify evidence.

"Cybersecurity exec turns on Trump insiders who hired him to attack 2020 election results"

"XRVision was enlisted to analyze voting machine data obtained from a rural Pennsylvania county, according to the lawsuit. When the firm's employees refused to falsify evidence of fraud, the lawsuit claims, XRVision was defamed and stiffed out of $550,000."

Rabbi Rosenberg: "The police have tools to deal with nonviolent civil disobedience, & last night they chose not to use them. And I want to know why..

"DC police are well trained in working with protests. This happens every day of the week here."

"[But] instead of following their protocol, of working with our police liaisons, & safely removing protesters engaging their right to protest. Instead, they pepper sprayed & kicked & pushed & pulled people's hair, while we lit candles & prayed & sang."

US Department of Justice says a state’s mobile app that is not accessible to #blind people violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. Moral of story? Don’t wait for ADA web regulations. Press release with link to Department’s letter is here:

#accessibility #a11y #ADA

Even if you don't have kids, consider supporting the up-coming Percy Jackson series on Disney+ because:

1-The author of the books is wonderfully inclusive (the books are great for kids)

2-The young actress selected for a main role has been slammed with racism--because the character in the book was white. (I'm glad to say that the author has been loudly defending her)

I hope the series succeeds on its merits, but I particularly hope it succeeds as a huge middle finger to the racist detractors.

Then I got to London and dude is also plastered on buses and all over the tube because he's also touring. AT EIGHTY. Don't know quite how to up the ante on 'impresses the hell out of me' but however you'd say that, yeah.

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Yet more evidence that “died suddenly” is not a real thing
A new study has failed to find any increase in sudden cardiac deaths among college athletes, more evidence that “Died suddenly” (due to COVID-19 #vaccines) is not a thing.

Post author
By Orac

At the pharmacy
the cold and flu section
is running low
on pain killers
and decongestants
on throat lozenges
and cough medicine
yet there are plenty
of boxes of test kits
which if used
might go a long way
to helping explain
why the cold and flu section
is running low.

"A Google employee protesting the tech giant’s business with the Israeli government was questioned by Google’s human resources department over allegations that he endorsed terrorism, The Intercept has learned."

""The letter was drafted and internally circulated by a group of anti-Nimbus Google employees, but none of them other than Khatami were called by HR, according to Khatami and Josh Marxen, another anti-Nimbus organizer at Google who helped spread the letter. "🤬

"this expense was not reported to the FEC and was noted as 'Botox' in expense spreadsheets produced to the ISC by Ms. Marks. Similarly, the $1,400 charge at Virtual Skin Spa was a campaign debit card purchase that was also described as ‘Botox’ in the spreadsheets produced by Ms. Marks. The ISC also identified an unreported PayPal payment of $1,029.30 to an esthetician associated with a spa in Rhinebeck, New York."

Botox? Estheticians? Campaign expenses?!

#GeorgeSantos #ethics

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Ken Chesebro attorney gets
Ken Chesebro in legal trouble here.

He tells reason behind client pleading guilty to Count 15 in GA: failure to put contingency language in false electors document.

Well … that same failure occurred in NV, AZ, MI which have ongoing cases.

The 55 page ethics opinion on Santos has dropped & I’ll give y’all the punch line now 👇🏾, but I’m going to read it while in flight in a couple of hours and try to summarize some of the highlights.

Ethics UNANIMOUSLY (bipartisan) concluded that he broke laws EVERYWHERE & their findings should be referred to the DOJ. This will be a THREAD 👀.

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