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For everyone thinking of rejecting Biden for his policy on Gaza and the Middle East, might I remind you that Trump tried to pass a whole-ass MUSLIM BAN.

#USpol #politics #Biden #ForeignPolicy

Here's a question for chemists (esp food chemists): I was wondering why ground cinnamon in hot beverages forms a sludge/gel at the bottom of the cup. The best result Duck Duck Go had for me came from Stack Exchange - saying it was water-soluble cinnamon fiber. But that's Stack Exchange.

I tried two different searches to find papers on Google Scholar and didn't get close. What keywords should I have used to get good sources for an authoritative answer? #Food #Chemistry #Botany

@AlliFlowers @bmacDonald94 And thank you for that. I know there are good Boomers (and older!) out there.

"It's hard to overstate the threat that anti-democracy, anti-freedom Christian nationalism poses to both democracy and the church today, especially now that Rep. Mike Johnson has become the most Christian-nationalist speaker in U.S. history,"

Trump is scheduled to testify at the NY fraud trial tomorrow. Assuming he doesn't simply take the 5th as he has in the past, I anticipate his answers will oscillate between Sgt. Shultz saying, "I know NOTHING!" and Freddie Prinze saying, "It's not my job!".

Joe Biden is not the President of Israel he is not supporting genocide the world is complicated Secretary Anthony Blinkin is working his ass off so please stop the lies.

I saw a lot of people with high follower accounts retweeting this post today on Twitter. A journalist claiming that “HAMAS would release all hostages if there was a 5-day cease fire, but Netanyahu refused.”

I did a dive and found the organization she claims to work for is funded by the Koch’s. Just a heads up when passing info on. Remember, they favor oil and would like nothing more than to keep Biden from being elected.

So this guy that took custody of a 14-year-old when he was a single 25-year-old man also admitted that he and his son monitored each other’s porn intake. Serious groomer vibes...

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson admitted that he and his son monitored each other’s porn intake in a resurfaced clip from 2022


Yup. I think with your support though, and the support of reasonable people everywhere, we can and will get rid of Trumpists, which is inspiring.


@TonyStark Most if not even all of House "Republicans" voting pseudo-religious fanatic neo-puritan & Leonard Leo's protégé Mike Johnson into the Speaker's office is a clear goodbye to the Constitution post-1865.
A poorly shining example of servility to Putin & other enemies of America.

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #MikeJohnson #Jan6 #Insurrection #Overthrow #FakeChristians

The white Baptist Church in the US of the last 40 years has suddenly become obsessed with ending abortion, porn, gay people, trans people, immigration, unions, socialism, and environmental protections. Do they ever wonder what 17th-century Baptists were motivated by? It wasn't any of these things. It was theocracy and capitalism they were afraid of. We needed a wall then and we need a wall now, not in Texas, but between church and state, to protect the church from Johnson as much as the reverse.

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everyone is entitled to my own opinion

what in the actual fuck? how does Mike Johnson not have a bank account

there's a lot about Holy Mike that just doesn't add up

NOV 5, 2023

dweebish little factotum Holy Mike Johnson became House Speaker because he was standing in the right place — the corner of What About This Guy Street and Fine, Let’s Just Get It The Fuck Over With Avenue — at the right time.

nobody knew dick about the guy, except that he was some kind of god-mad religious fanatic.

but now the facts are starting to leak out and and holy shit, there’s a lot going on that makes no fucking sense at all.

On 11/5/68, Shirley Chisholm became the first Black woman elected to Congress. "Fighting" Shirley Chisholm rocked the House to its foundations. We all benefit from her trailblazing legacy. Definitely one of the heroes! #NewYork #NYC #History #Historian #historymatters #BlackWomen #NamingGotham #histodons @histodons

Why is it when I meet sighted people who I haven't seen in a long time they play games with me? I don't want to have to fucking guess who you are. If I don't remember, I don't remember. Stop toying with me! It's disrespectful and sighted people wouldn't treat another sighted person the same way so why me because I'm blind? It's some bullshit and I will not have it! Either tell me who you are in person or do not speak with me at all. Don't ever play games with me unless they're on my terms. Full stop.

You always thought that keeping all body parts under the covers was the only way to keep you safe at night. It's only when you bring a furry little monster into your house that you realize that you were right all along.
#Catsunday #CatsOfMastodon #claws

The Department of Education is making it easier for students who experience Antisemitism, Islamophobia, or related discrimination to file a complaint under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

To file a complaint, visit:

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