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Hey, media, if one candidate is 80 and another is 77, they are basically the same age.

I don’t normally watch videos, but this Arab-Israeli explains his experience with (the lack of) apartheid in Israel. *****

Israeli minister suspended from govt meetings after suggesting dropping nuclear bomb on Gaza

Well, it is these ultranationalist right wing lunatics where Netanyahu has his election from... with a margin of only 2 or 3 %... And these are the ones that shaped his government during his rule that went on for too long...


Ukraine will get its territory back, all of it, including Crimea. Sevastopol too.

Russia is a rogue petrostate bent on expansion.

The alternative is an emboldened Putin bent on his next conquest.

Ask Austria what a policy of territorial relinquishment and appeasement bought.

Giving in to Putin buys the globe a WW3. This time nuclear.

@GottaLaff The Speaker seems to have repeated memory loss issues. Or he’s a habitual liar.

Mike Johnson is a lunatic christofascist.

That he is now second in line for the presidency behind Kamala Harris is beyond terrifying.

@RememberUsAlways @chiamaluca @breadandcircuses Free Palestine is only half of the truth. It should mean „Free Palestine from Hamas“.

Kroger CEO earns a pay gap of 671 to 1. That’s an obscene $19m vs $28k for the average worker.

Your grocery “inflation” is their windfall.

My butcher has started making sausages from seabirds.
Today he's taken a tern for the wurst.

(Sorry, so wonderfully bad I had to share...)

Via Aaron Rupar:

Wow. #MikeJohnson on [#ClusterFox] Sunday doesn't rule out voting against access to #contraception but then says "I really don't remember any of those measures" when asked about his past votes against reproductive health care

@GottaLaff media too. I am 72 and fighting so hard. Our Republican legislators in Ohio are so corrupt. Congress is full of fascists. The world is burning. But I am trying so hard to get people to care. Right with you all.

Almost a year since one of the most casually cruel layoffs in tech happened at Twitter and those laid off have yet to receive their severance.

If you stole this much from a corporation you would be in jail. But steal this much from workers and you get to comfortably sit at home while tweeting white supremacist memes without a care in the world.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed I can’t stand it.

I never, ever would have suspected growing up that in my “golden years,” I’d be consumed by the real and present dangers of catastrophic climate change and fascism in this country.

Still fighting like hell, but that’s not the point of this post, so no need to tell me to “keep fighting, don’t give up.”

I’m allowed, as you are, to feel scared, alarmed, overwhelmed sometimes.

This is one of those times.

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