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i was kayaking with my dad this morning and he had paddled ahead of me on our way back in. i was just slowly going along the shore looking for things to take pictures of when i looked down a little ravine and saw this incredible guy heading toward me. i was already head on with them and watched them lumber down the whole way over sticks and through the mud into the water. i have never been so excited to have my camera before. it very nearly stayed in the car today lol.

Vote Y'all!
"The earliest “y’all” that I uncovered was in William Lisle’s “The Faire Æthiopian,” published in 1631 – “and this y'all know is true.”

That's 225 years before the citation in the “Oxford English Dictionary,” that shows it as a southernism."

"To heighten their colour, the rhizomes from which the spice [tumeric] is extracted are routinely dusted with lead chromate, a neurotoxin. The practice helps explain why South Asia has the highest rates of lead poisoning in the world.[...] Yet it turns out that with clever policies, enlightened leadership and astute messaging this blight can be greatly reduced. Bangladesh has shown how."

#Culture #Toxins #Lead #Spices #Tumeric #SouthAsia

If you are left of center, Joe Biden is the best President on foreign policy this country has ever had and it's not even close

On Nov 04, 1890: White Man Involved in Killing Nine Black People Elected Governor of South Carolina


That so-called "protest letter" is offensive, racist garbage. The first question we should all be asking is, how did someone who signed this crap get hired by NYT in the first place?

Everyone should read this letter. If this were a protest against Israel's war crimes in Gaza, I'd sign it myself. But it's not. It's a protest against Israel's very existence, and it's packed with lies.

David Kurtz on how Trump's brood are faring in court:

"The evidence against the Trumps is overwhelming, the judge didn’t appear to find them to be credible witnesses, and their defenses wilted under the slightest cross examination, often when presented with documentary evidence that directly contradicted their testimonies."

#Trump #crime #criminals #LawandOrder #fraud

Trump owns 114 trademarks in China and 6 in Russia.

He didn’t disclose this while he was president

But I know you’re asking about the real issue here

…how many foreign trademarks does Hunter Biden have?

@CurtAdams @therobburgessshow If everything on my resume was a lie, I'd be fired whether or not I'd done anything else.

Why the double standard?


Fact: Either Biden will win the election, or Trump will. There is no other possibility.

Fact: #CornelWest is helping Trump win.

Fact: By helping Cornel West, you are helping Trump win too.

Here is a small sampling of the horrors that you are trying to unleash on Muslims in the United States, in Palestine, and all over the world.

#Biden #Trump #israel #Palestine #USPol

@jargoggles The charm of the Dominionist sect is that they have gotten tired of waiting and are actively attempting to cause events which conform to their Hal Hartley inspired reading of the book of Revelations. @AlliFlowers @inthehands @StillIRise1963

@AlliFlowers @inthehands @StillIRise1963
The evangelical church I was raised in had a raging hard on for that whole "Jesus can only come back if the nation of Israel is restored and the temple is rebuilt" thing.

Between the obsession with bringing about the end times and that the only life that matters is the afterlife, evangelicalism is seriously an apocalyptic death cult.

On Nov 03, 1874: White Mob Wages Deadly Violence Against Black Community Seeking to Vote

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