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Please join us in welcoming @wikimediauk to the fediverse! Wikimedia UK is the national chapter of the global #Wikimedia movement.

It seems as though MAGA Mike Johnson (Christofascist) forgot Commandment #7 when he lied for Trump about the election. In his heinous condemnation of the LGBTQ community, he forgot about Matthew 7:1-3. #FaKeChristians

The wind is still fiercely high, but we’re managing to enjoy the beauty here in Point Clear.

While Donald makes the headlines we have a dangerous religious zealot taking over as Speaker of the House.

Please don’t miss my exhaustive piece where I delve into Mike Johnson’s devious past. (You’ll be shocked). It’s 100% free to read:

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This deserves its own post:

Religion should be relegated to the bedroom, cause nothing that goes on in there is any of anyone’s business.

At a news conference, Schumer unloads on House GOP Israel aid/IRS cuts bill. "It's almost as if the real goal of the House GOP is not to help Israel, but rather to get tax relief for the super wealthy....How the heck could that be their highest priority?"

@GottaLaff MAGAts are a cesspool of batshit crazy Terrorists.

Yesterday I needed to quickly describe forums to someone who said they never understood them and came up with "It's like Facebook, but it's just structured around topics instead of around people."

At a 2019 seminar, SOH Johnson essentially proposed a religious test for candidates. Only those who held a Biblical worldview & saw the US as a "Christian nation" deserved support.

He also compared environmentalists pushing for climate action to the devil.

Johnson is a proud member of the #GOPDeathCult.

#ClimateCrisis #ActOnClimate #GOPLies #GOPSabotage

The 2024 Chemistry Faculty Jobs List (by Andrew Spaeth, me) has 415 tenure-track positions and 38 teaching positions: #facultychemjobs

I don’t remember a single costume from when I was a kid. I do, however, remember the year I dressed up as Mordechai for .

The adult children of Donald Trump begin to appear on the stand this week in the New York civil fraud trial. Eric will once more prove how absolutely brilliant he is, and Don Jr. will show the world that he is just a chill, cool guy. Ivanka is set for next week, but she keeps hoping an asteroid hits first.

I've never been more terrified as a #Jewish person. We're experiencing the worst levels of Jew-hatred in DECADES. What is wrong with people? I also discuss why a #ceasefire is not a realistic option and recommend #documentary #movies #film about #Antisemitism. My #Transgender identity has been under attack and trans spaces are no longer safe because of my Jewish identity. #Mazeldon

Dear unmasked radiation oncologist attending:
When you see your patient is wearing a mask, don't ask if the patient would like you to wear one too. Just put it on.

@AlliFlowers @blueemu @peterbrown

Dr Flowers, Hamas type ideology should be crushed. Settler ideology should be crushed. Harm to innocent people must be less than the benefits accrued to others *in this pursuit*.

You asked the question, why is Palestine not called a Muslim state while Israel is noted as the Jewish state. The answer is that Israel self identifies as such.

In my opinion without any authority, state and religion should be kept apart.

Viva paz!

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