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House speaker contender Steve Scalise reportedly called himself ‘David Duke without the baggage’ | House of Representatives | The Guardian

"the US Attorney said Santos 'is charged with stealing people's identities and making charges on his own donors' credit cards without their authorization, lying to the FEC and, by extension, the public about the financial state of his campaign.' "

Sorry for the screenshot post, but this is too good not to share. Great idea.

Florida: Miami-Dade Schools May Launch a “Classical School,” Hillsdale Style according to Florida's fascistic governor. via @dianeravitch #DeFascist

Who knew allowing twitter to turn into a disinformation cesspool might have consequences

Check this out...

Want a great source of US political news on Mastodon?

US Politics in Real Time @uspolitics is a super useful curated account produced by Pell @pell, who describes themselves as "just another programmer."

@uspolitics provides summaries with links to a wide array of US political news stories from around the web.
 "Priority topics: Climate, Labor, Economy, Fascism, LGBT+, Internet regulation."

#USPolitics #politics #news #CuratedAccount

It continues to astonish me that those who are appalled by terrorist violence accept state-sponsored violence as necessary.

State-sponsored violence being associated with bravery, sacrifice, honor, and glory is the greatest propaganda coup in history.

Burn people to death from a plane and you'll get a medal.

Thank you for your service, as long as there's a state backing you: "here are your orders, go kill."

Even when the aim is revenge, as if Aeschylus' Oresteia is forgotten, 2500 years on

I have had enough interaction today. I’m going to play with my hedgehog.

Because there is a difference between supporting terrorism, and supporting the Palestinian people, just as there is a difference between criticizing Israeli government policy and antisemitism.

Via Darren Samuelsohn:

NEWS: #FaniWillis: Pro-#Trump Lawyer Not Covered by Attorney-Client Privilege for Documents Allegedly Plotting ‘Fake Elector’ Plan

In a filing Tuesday, #Fulton County DA argued memos and emails are not covered by attorney-client privilege that allegedly show Kenneth #Chesebro was the 'architect' of the fake electors plot 1/… #legal #Georgia #TrumpIndictment

Ya know, there is NOTHING coming in from the House to vote on. There is NOTHING happening in the Senate. Why doesn't Schumer just bite the bullet and spend the next week promoting people, all day, every day, screw Tuberville. The Senate is just sitting on its thumbs right now, so get to work! The Democrats seem to be almost as intransigent as Tuberville in this particular case.

"Russia’s contact with Hamas has become more frequent. Since 2020, Lavrov has received senior Hamas figures — including the leader of the group, Ismail Haniyeh — at least five times in Moscow, with the most recent visit taking place in March."

5/ Me: Ironically named document…

Document entered into evidence:

"First Amendment to the Declaration of Trump Tower Condominium"

The document discloses the triplex's actual square footage: 10,996.39 sq ft.

Trump's statements of financial condition claimed it was 30K sq feet.

The document was executed on Oct. 11, 1994.

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Republicans calling a special legislative session to prevent *private businesses* from implementing Covid restrictions tells us an awful lot about where the party is right now.

Apparently government is supposed to be so big and intrusive that it can force a deadly, anti-freedom, anti-scientific ideology on everyone.

#Texas #Covid #GOPExtremism

My glass is filled with milk and honey but my neighbor arrives to visit and drinks my glass dry.

When I asked him why he drank my glass when I would gladly give a neighbor their own, he simply replies "God gave it to me."

This is why we war.


This is the most f'ing offensive thing I've seen all day. Printed in the newspaper! Both RFK and JFK would kick his ass for tarnishing the Kennedy legacy.

You see any MAGAs invoking either of their legacies? No. Yet they flock to RFK Jr's conspiracy-laden, antisemitic diatribes.

#RFKJr #Kennedy

"Melanie disputes the common narrative that Israel was compensation for the Holocaust. She emphasizes the historical connection of #Jews to the land, long predating the #Holocaust. The misconception stems from various geopolitical factors, including Britain's colonial actions and biased media representation. Melanie experienced backlash in Britain for defending #Israel and realized that perceptions were deeply influenced by misinformation and a blurred line between truth and opinion. "

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