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Yes, I am profoundly aware of the terrible use bad actors have used U.S. military and monetary power in order to promote their personal interests over those of our democratic ideals like for example 9/11 is also the anniversary of one in Chile sadly.

I wish that our history were taught more completely in our schools and by our media so that patriotism could be directed towards the ideal of the USA versus jingoistic defense of everything Uncle Sam has done.

To be clear: I absolutely believe in never forgetting what should not be forgotten. I’m just not gonna participate in the annual remembrance of a bad thing. I don’t even want to celebrate lives in the context of the worst thing that ever happened to them.

To be clear: That’s just me and it’s not a criticism of however people choose to process or memorialize anything.

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.@repraskin's debunking of James Comer's conspiracy theories about Joe Biden includes *19* bullet points of Republicans admitting they have no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden. Nevertheless, Hill journos continue to do process stories on impeachment.

Great lies of our time...
- There is no danger to the public.
- If I survive, I'll never drink again.
- Of course I believe you.
- Easy open, tear here.

How's that NEW Space Command Center going for you hillbillies?
Oh wait, Biden killed it for you..

On Sep 11, 1895: South Carolina Officials Rewrite Constitution; Disenfranchise Black Voters

I remember when people said the reason they didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton was because she wasn’t trustworthy. Then they voted for a narcissistic pathological liar who told over 30,000 lies in his term. #TrumpForPrison #LockTrumpUp

Republicans are threatening to shut down the government again.

If they do, please contact your Senators and Representative and explain that if Republicans won't pay for the debt caused by those tax cuts that we have to roll back the tax cuts.

If enough people demand tax cut rollbacks every time Republicans threaten to shut down the government, the people who bribe politicians in DC will make sure Republicans stop pulling this particular stunt.

Had the best day! Picked up my mother, got my husband, and we went across the streets to watch the game. They fixed some delicious food, and I introduced them to Brie on ginger snaps.

Mexican abortion-pill networks reach across border to help immigrants without access
Abortion activist groups in Mexico that distribute abortion medication, as well as abortion rights organizations in the United States, have started to build the “red transfronteriza” – the cross-border network - to provide abortion-pill assistance to undocumented immigrant women.
#Tucson #Arizona

Today marks Suicide Awareness Day and we think it's important to highlight the increased rates of mental health within the trans and gender-diverse community.

Trans people are far more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts, and this will continue until our community is adequately supported via healthcare provisions. It's time something is done

On Sep 10, 1963: Alabama White Students Flee Public School to Avoid Integration

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