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Remember the Dakota Access Pipeline? The Standing Rock Sioux are still fighting it after a bogus environmental impact report. #Oil #climate

"Sistine Chapel of the Ancients." Deep within the dense Amazon rainforest in modern-day Colombia, archaeologists recently discovered an 8-mile-long "canvas" filled with ice age drawings of giant sloths, mastodons and other extinct beasts, dating back to between 11,800 years and 12,600 ago.
More images/info:

#ancient #indigenous #archaeology #history

The trial for New York AG Letitia James' $250 million civil fraud case against Donald Trump, his family, and his company is scheduled to begin on October 2, 2023 and to end by December 22, 2023, the presiding judge has announced.

Which of the following from your partner makes you feel 'loved' ❤️ ?


He's Crippling #Florida Agriculture

Nikki Fried is our state #fladems leader and was the only #dem in#deSantis government.

"He NEVER understood how essential Fla Ag is to our economy & national security. "

G20 to become G21 as world leaders agree to grant African Union permanent membership - The Independent

Why hasn't a potential bombshell about Rudy Giuliani, Russia, and the FBI received more attention? I examine this in the new issue of my OUR LAND newsletter.

Give a damn about this? Sign up for a FREE trial subscription to OUR LAND at

My middle’s three cats, helping with autumnal decor. Ollie is the orange tabby who insists his presence alone is pumpkin spicey enough.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #cats #autumn #PumpkinSpice

A true Speaker of the House would tell Marjorie Taylor Greene and a punk like Matt Gaetz to pound sand when they threaten to shut down the government because they don’t get their way. It’s called majority rule Kevin. The FreeDUMB caucus political position isn’t what 70+% of Americans want. Your precious gavel isn’t worth selling your soul to those morons. Grow a spine McCarthy, tell them no!

If you became a teacher because you like answers, you are missing the point of education.

"Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else."

~Isaac Asimov

#BeYou #BeTrueToYourself #Happiness #KeepItReal #QuotesOfTheDay

If you use Google Chrome, go to chrome://settings/adPrivacy and consider turning off all the new surveillance-based ads they just launched in the browser.

@cdarwin @ChrisBoese “Recusing from cases that involve longtime colleagues would “disrupt” the Supreme Court’s work, Alito argued. “

Sure the work of collecting all the bribes and goodies from said “friends”

I don't know if I should tag this #antisemitism or #CanadianKvetches or something else, but the #GoyimDefenceLeague distributed fliers in Langely, BC- a town near #Vancouver, where I live

This is a hate crime against #Jews. Jews are the most targeted "religious group" in #Canada, despite the fact that we are a tiny portion of the Canadian population, roughly 300,000 people in total across the entire country.

Canada often touts its pluralistic tolerance, but hate crimes do exist here, and in my personal life, I've found antisemitic attitudes to exist in Canada as much as they did/do in the US.

DNA Database Proves Leonard Mack’s Innocence After 47 Years of Wrongful Conviction:
Unreliable witness identifications along with racial bias and tunnel vision led to Mr. Mack’s wrongful conviction, the longest to be vacated based on DNA evidence.

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