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In California, before term limits, State Congressman John Vasconcellos held a big BBQ at the beginning of the session for both parties, where the newcomers could get acquainted. After term limits, the olden reps were eliminated and the noobs only went to orientation events sponsored by their own parties. In the US Congress, both parties spent a week together in Aspen in the summer. Gingrich killed that.

@DemocracyMattersALot lock him up. He’s attacking the prosecutor— unsafe for all prosecutors & judges. It’s another call to his MAGA cult to commit violent acts.

Haley had several moments where she sounded reasonable. Then this. Completely and utterly disqualifying and makes me all the more confident in saying you cannot vote for anyone who has voted for Trump. Put more simply: If you couldn’t tell within seconds of him descending that golden escalator to announce his run in 2016 your judgement cannot be trusted. Period. It was quite literally the easiest moral test of anyone alive this generation. If you fail that you cannot be trusted with leadership.

Tragic to see the great guitarist Carlos Santana dive down the anti-trans toilet and babble this childish GOP-amplified nonsense. More sad proof that you can be a brilliant musician and still get suckered into being a bigot.

More than 100 chaplains urge Texas school boards not to hire chaplains instead of school counselors - The Washington Post

Democrats are fixing roads and bridges, bringing supply chains and clean energy jobs back home, and delivering high-speed internet to more neighborhoods.

We’re investing in Ohio and across America to grow the middle class.

Well...going to bitch a little about the cavalier attitude about covid protection at the rehab place this in no one but me was wearing a mask... and while I'm reasonably healthy...most of the other patients were near my age with serious health problems...and the estimates from wastewater analysis is that covid has increased nearly 400% in the midwest over the past month or so...I'll never go into a building again without a mask until they have a cure...
#today #covid

Just thought everyone would be interested in knowing why the DOJ had to go to the trouble and expense (with taxpayers footing the bill not to mention using up badly needed Department resources) to round up hundreds of Covid-19 relief money cheaters and try to recover the 100s of millions of dollars stolen by them. The orange arrogant sonuvabitch actually said “I’ll be the oversight.” Yeah, what could possibly go wrong.

Trump removes watchdog tapped for $2T virus rescue oversight

Published 3:36 PM EDT, April 7, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump has removed the inspector general tapped to chair a special oversight board for the $2.2 trillion economic relief package on the coronavirus, the latest in a series of steps Trump has taken to confront government watchdogs tasked with oversight of the executive branch.

@shayz0rz These people only ever know enough to be falsely reassured and dangerous to themselves, just like the oligarchy wants.

- Xbb 1.5 boosters may not help much w/ BA2.86 if theyre even out yet
- No area has herd immunity / high enough vaxx rate
- Duration of vaccine's protective impact wanes with time.

COVID is *literally* a Dunning Kruger test as to who overestimates their understanding of w nuanced issue.

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver

82 years after #Nazi #massacre: Mass Jewish grave uncovered in #Latvia - #Liepaja

The mass grave in Liepaja was found in an industrial zone scheduled to be expanded; head of country's Jewish museum says it is wrong to construct buildings on top of it. A mass grave of Jews murdered by the Nazis in Latvia was uncovered in the city of Liepaja using special technology invented by United States researchers, Latvian television reported Wednesday.

If you look up the statistics for assault on women in the US, the statistics for #Indigenous women are higher than any other ethnicity. #Facts

And this is why #MMIW #MMIWG2S #MMIWG exists...

Fifth (or sixth?) person in my direct contacts to come down with COVID this week... mask up, folks. #pandemic #covid #covid19

What the fuck? By this logic, chemotherapy "is not ‘deeply rooted’ in our nation’s history and tradition". Where are you going to draw that fucking line? Are we going back to leeches and poultices?

FYI to my followers: I have just moved from Florida to Alabama. I know, I know. But in my own defense, I wanted to be closer to my daughter @AlliFlowers
And, besides, bizarrely enough, these days Alabama is an upgrade from DeSantis' Florida.

On Aug 24, 1956: Virginia Governor Vows to Close Public Schools Rather Than Integrate

Secure. Your. Fucking. Firearms. Jesusfuckingchrist. Assholes.

I have dozens of firearms. They live in a safe, in a closet, in a locked office. My kid isn’t wandering off with them. Lock up your guns, or sell them.

The universities are in a truly terrible situation. They have little leverage, the state holds most of the cards and wants to gut their educational function and turn them into a sports feeder league.

Unless Florida voters decide to replace the government, the universities either bleed out slowly as the good faculty and students go elsewhere, or the feds and accreditation agencies rip the bandaid off quickly.

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