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I placed my phone up against a beer can on a picnic table and set it for a 30-second nighttime exposure.

I am sometimes surprised by what it picks up that I cannot necessarily process with my own vision.

This capture absolutely floored me.

One of the things I appreciate most about using ASL is that it is genderless.

President Truman began a policy known as the "Fairness Doctrine" which compelled radio & TV talk shows to give equal airtime to opposing opinions whenever political views were aired. Reagan ended that doctrine & facilitated the "Fox Propaganda Network" to brainwash the citizenry!

Young people: The GOP is floating an amendment to raise the voting age from 18 to 25. Vivek Ramaswamy is openly promoting it. They’re scared of your votes and want to silence you. Act appropriately in 2024.

Has it been long enough since the last mass shooting to talk about what we can do about mass shootings without accusations of "being political"?


Would you be here if you didn’t have good #internet access? High-speed internet is no longer a luxury but an “absolute necessity.” Pres #Biden has pledged that every household in the nation would have access by 2030 using cables made in the U.S.

“These investments will help all Americans,” he said. “We’re not going to leave anyone behind.”

#Democrats make things better with #IRA.

Best friend died of Covid yesterday after only being sick a few days. #CovidIsNotOver

Teacher Is Fired for Reading Book on Gender Identity in Class. The teacher in Georgia was fired for reading to fifth graders “My Shadow Is Purple,” which is about a child who cannot relate to the colors blue and pink.

#NYTimes #GeorgiaTeacherFired #GenderIdentityBook #FifthGradeClass #MyShadowIsPurple #BlueAndPinkColors #Politics #News

message to all reverse engineers and hackers of fedi: when youre figuring out some really obscure thing and you finally crack it PLEASE document it somewhere on the web. maybe youre the first to ever walk this path, maybe youre the first person to care. but i promise you are not the last, and there will be a day when some lone hacker follows the path you took years or decades ago and they will find what you wrote and they will be eternally grateful and wont forget it ever. and thats so beautiful

According to the NOAA, the United States has seen more billion-dollar disasters in the first seven months of 2023 than in any year on record. The 15 disasters include 13 severe weather events, one winter storm, and one flooding event that have caused 113 fatalities and nearly $40 billion in damages. #BillionDollarDisasters #ClimateChange #NOAA

I'm pretty worried that he'll convince his co-conspirators in Congress to shut down our government next month 😢

Maybe, Jack Smith's cases against the sitting members of Congress are close enough to bring indictments, but I'm still not sure if that would stop the GOP from harming the USA in order to protect their cult leader.

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Fun #physics fact for #Caturday

#Cats exist in a quantum superposition of two states: "pet me" and "how dare you touch me you hairless ape". It is only by touching them that their wave function collapses to one of these states.

We have to call the arboretum the "place with the greenery that one traverses" for the dog not to understand us.

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