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I love how Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan are federal employees working on a weekend — when Trump almost never did during his entire presidency.


No offense, but I'll bet Trump's nuts are soooo far retracted in his body that he has camel toe 🤔

Trump says he will seek a recusal, venue change in Jan. 6 case

Trump’s argument has been repeatedly rejected by federal judges in D.C. who have handled other politically sensitive cases stemming from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
#News #GOP #Politics #USA #Trump #MAGA #Republicans #TrumpCrimeFamily #AureFreePress

Judge Chutkan, for the love of all that's holy, please lock up Donald J Trump for breaking the rules of his bond. I've never seen such a clear cut bond violation!

Trump Goes After Judge Tanya Chutkan in All-Caps Truth Social Rage Post: ‘NO WAY I CAN GET A FAIR TRIAL’ With Her!
#News #GOP #Politics #USA #Trump #MAGA #Republicans #BREAKING #BreakingNews #AureFreePress

Jamie Raskin, "There are people who are in jail for several years for counterfeiting one vote...He tried to steal the entire election. His lawyer's up there saying that's just a matter of him expressing his First Amendment rights. That's deranged."

@anubis2814 @SrRochardBunson these children are grown and currently turning Alabama into the asshole of the earth.

“Layoff?” That makes it sound like someone told her to stay home for 2 years. How about something more appropriate, like “leave?”

JOB POSTING: Director, Center for Teaching & Scholarly Excellence
Suffolk University in Boston

JOB POSTING: Coordinator of Faculty Learning and Development at American International College in Springfield, MA


My opinion; Every single one these Trumpers is going to go off the rails bc they were all, each and everyone of them, no matter if they came in with Trump or not, each and every single one of these bad actors were just so so sure that in the end they would be able to OVERTHROW the USA that they willingly committed what they KNOW to be crimes.

They ALL did it. Just a tiny bit. But they all did it and have been doing it, committing crimes, all along. Tiny little incremental things that no one was supposed to notice like a simple little fishing trip on a gold plated boat. They were NOT supposed to ever get caught because Trump was going to be King and they all had it in their stupid little minds that Trump would actually honor them at some point in time & make their guilt tolerable and legal.

Every single one of them are afraid for their lives right now.

They broke the law knowing they were breaking the law. They protected Trump KNOWING that Trump was the ONLY avenue out.

This proves @Teri_Kanefield's point: Trump is being coached to say "freedom of speech."

His cognitive impairment is so severe, and his behavior so rigidly stereotyped, that his motivation is always transparent. He's trying to put on a display of power, but he's such a simpleminded buffoon, he can't come up with anything more specific than "very powerful grounds."

@Teri_Kanefield or @GottaLaff

In the history of court cases, how many times has a defendant (conspirator #1) paid the legal fees of a co-defendant (conspirator #3)?

Earlier, I shared concerns from a popular #EdTech forum:

Licensing renewal for hosted Instructure Canvas is increasing by a staggering 24% over the next 3 years.

It's interesting that #HigherEducation will apparently stick with a proprietary system, even as prices soar. However, it will migrate off an #OpenSource system as soon as any costs are incurred.

#HigherEd #FOSS #OSS #LMS #OnlineLearning #Elearning

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I need the people who make television shows to understand that I do not want to listen to a podcast about the television show, or watch a tv show about the making of the tv show, or indeed meta-analyze the show in any context. I just want to watch the show.

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