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NEW: Mississippi removed 29,000 people from its Medicaid rolls in June—accounting for 44% of those who were up for renewal—after the COVID Public Health Emergency order ended.

Many more mostly low-wage workers will lose Medicaid in the months to come and many will be left in the coverage gap. Mississippi is one of just 10 states that chose not to accept billions to expand Medicaid—which could cover 100,000-300,000 residents.

New Northwestern study reveals alarming impact of long Covid on patients

"Long Covid occurs in about a third of Covid survivors and is now the third leading neurologic disorder in the United States."

#COVID #PASC #LongCovid

Gandalf ordered the entire Fellowship to turn their phones to silent.

He was bored of the rings.

'Disgraceful': GOP Advances Bill That Could Remove 220,000 Teachers From Classrooms

"If left to their own devices, Republicans would gleefully take public education to the graveyard," said Democratic Rep. Rosa DeLauro.

House Democrats warned that hundreds of thousands of teachers could lose their jobs if legislation advanced Friday by a Republican-controlled appropriations subcommittee becomes law.

#teachers #union #gop

“Here’s what Trump’s argument comes down to: he objects to any prosecutor, anywhere, being able to investigate him and, if it’s determined he violated the law, charge him. In other words, Trump’s argument is that he’s above the law.”

Bill Phillis: Ohio Republicans Transfer Powers of State Board of Education to Governor - This power grab does bit past the constitutional small test. via @dianeravitch #authoritarianism

@AlliFlowers @Yoshi @MSNBC well bless you for that! Glad someone is there to give those kids hope.

When my very existence becomes illegal, what does law mean to me anymore?

This week graduate students and a postdoc at UC San Diego got arrested and charged with 'vandalism' and 'conspiracy' for a labor protest. They wrote with chalk and washable paint about the fact that the University has not paid them enough as dictated by the union contract and table talk. The University, specifically the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, changed their appointment percentage from 50% to 43% in order to avoid giving them a raise.

Here is a local news article about it:

They are gathering signatures on this petition:

Please share it widely!

A couple weeks ago, the university leveled student conduct violations against grad students who staged a protest at an alumni event about the same labor violations from the university, and other similar issues. They accused the students of assaulting the chancellor and threatening health and safety, when the action was completely nonviolent. The student conduct process is still ongoing...

In summary, the university's retaliation is very overpowered compared to the modest demands and peaceful demonstrations from the grad student and postdoc workers.

Moreover, this is another reminder that the cops are not your friends, no matter how nicely you behave.

#AcademicLabor #HotLaborSummer #AllCopsAreBad

From 1940s-1980, the wealthiest paid 70-94% marginal tax rates. Zero of them went broke from taxation. Zero of them left the USA. All remained exceedingly wealthy, manufacturing boomed, AND we had the strongest middle class growth in US History.

Let's do that again. #TaxTheRich

No matter how many USB ports one has, it is always one fewer than needed.

Turns out there was a lot more than farting going on at that RFK Jr. event. COVID-19 was engineered specifically not to target Jews and Chinese people? I didn't think it was possible, but this guy is far, far worse than I even thought he was.

When they talk about the “gay agenda” or “trans ideology”, what they’re actually referring to are people.

And when they talk about “eradicating” said agenda or ideology, they’re still talking about people.

#lgbtq #gay #trans

At 109, an age that makes her fearless against reprisals, Viola Ford Fletcher is releasing a memoir, “Don’t Let Them Bury My Story,” detailing the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre—when “a white mob laid waste to the once-thriving Black enclave known as Greenwood“—which she saw at age 7.

The book, published by Mocha Media Inc., will be “widely available for purchase on Aug. 15.”


My neighbor sure talks a lot about “Cheers” characters.

Or is that the Norm?

... Addendae (cont'd)

This miscreant:

Tuberville is showing how much power one lawmaker wields under Senate rules

Since February Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) has been blocking every personnel move in the U.S. military that requires confirmation: now least 270

Tuberville likes to say "there is no one more military than me." He has not served in the military but regularly features AL service members on his senatorial website 🤨

#TommyTuberville #RepublicanParty #neofascism

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