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7/ first trial, there were witnesses that said you were looking for Rhodes and contemplating going inside the Capitol.

The GoTo Meeting was for organizing the operations, The armed QRF outside Washington...

Mehta draws Meggs attention to Rhodes words - "nothing left to do but fight"

Meggs was on those calls and heard them and he walked away thinking they were just providing a security detail? Mehta asks, incredulous

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"I am returning herewith without my approval H.J. Res. 42, a resolution that would disapprove the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Amendment Act of 2022," President Biden informs the House.

Christian hate-preacher Duncan Urbanek says the Qur'an is the "worst literature" because it was put together by someone who couldn't "read or write."

"It sounds like... a third grader put it together."

Meanwhile, "everything just lines up perfectly" in the Bible.

Without public trust, victims don’t call for help, witnesses don’t step forward, crimes go unsolved, and justice isn’t served.

That's why a year ago, I signed an executive order to advance accountable policing and public safety.

Here's what it has accomplished:

Months before a Miami-area mother persuaded a local school to restrict access to an Amanda Gorman poem, she was posting antisemitic memes on her Facebook page.

"Public education powers our workforce, builds our businesses, and boosts our communities. Unfortunately, our public schools are under assault," Cooper said. "The current General Assembly is considering extreme legislation that would cripple our public education system."

LOL, astonishingly, Jeanine Pirro suffered a public disarray during her live segment, amidst rumors of her potential ousting by a Fox Network producer. Her fumbled attempt to criticize President Biden, devolving into unintelligible chatter, is indicative of a mind in turmoil.

This incident occurs under the looming shadows of persistent allegations surrounding her propagation of false claims about the 2020 presidential election. One wonders if this on-air debacle is a manifestation of the pressure she's under, a symbolic capitulation to a reality she refuses to acknowledge. The question isn't about going backwards, Ms. Pirro, but rather about acknowledging the past truthfully.

Jeanine Pirro Appeared To Suffer From A Mental Breakdown On Live Television, Stuttered And Choked On Her Words, Amid The News That Fox Network Producer Wanted Her Gone

Happy Towel Day! Today we're celebrating the life and works of Douglas Adams, inspired by The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Wikipedia has an article on Adams in 86 different languages: (yes, he is Q42 on Wikidata ;))

📷: Barbara Abate (CC BY-SA 2.0,

'Manufactured MAGA madness': House Dems slam GOP for 'running out of town' to trigger 'economic meltdown' #GOPTraitors #GOP #EndTheGOP

if the house doesn't budge, I expect President Biden to act unilaterally to protect the American and World economy.

Hold a primetime address. Pin the blame where it belongs. Fight the constitutionality of it.

Be as ruthless helping America as the GOP is hurting it.

Wisconsin's finest Glenn Grothman is on the House floor right now complaining that Biden isn't nominating enough straight "white guys" as judges

"Public education powers our workforce, builds our businesses, and boosts our communities. Unfortunately, our public schools are under assault," Cooper said. "The current General Assembly is considering extreme legislation that would cripple our public education system."

Who gives a fuck what Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) thinks? It was one thing when he was just a sexist racist who made jokes about Ruth Ginsburg getting raped, defended racist Steve King, fought mask mandates, and tried to remove teaching of Critical Race Theory. But urging Trump to declare martial law to prevent Biden from taking office?
He needs to be charged with sedition and to serve the full 20 years in prison. #GOPSedition #GOPInDisarray #GOPShitShow #RaphNorman #WhySCCantHaveNiceThings

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