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@AlliFlowers Yes, especially when you realize the the parent organization of "He Gets Us" “has donated more than $50 million to the Alliance Defending Freedom — a nonprofit that’s led big policy fights over abortion and non-discrimination laws at the Supreme Court and in states around the country.”

Justin Baragona writes,

"Former Twitter officials revealed on Wednesday that former President Donald Trump not only received preferential treatment for years, but he also directly requested the site remove tweets that he didn’t like. At the same time, they also noted that President Joe Biden hadn’t contacted Twitter to take down any tweets or censor content."

#Trump #Twitter

soft prediction: superbowl is what finally destroys twitter dot com


Proof of concept of an opt-in global Mastodon search. Tootfinder indexes recent toots of all user that want to get indexed. If you are not interested, just do not join the index.The feeds are indexed in a SQLite database and deleted after 7 days.

7 abortion providers are ready to switch to misoprostol-only medication abortions if a judge bans the main abortion pill, mifepristone, nationwide. That ruling could happen as soon as this Friday.

Pretty much everything that Team "you're overreacting" insisted would never happen after Dobbs is, in fact, happening. It's almost as if they were not arguing in good faith this whole time.

President Biden played the Republican House Caucus for the fools they are at Biden's State of the Union address last night and it worked brilliantly!

In front of the world, the GOP disrespected the United States of America and its traditions!
#Biden #USA

To be sure, the Republicans are on record stating they want to increase the age to collect Social Security AND want to change the funding parameters - both being a CUT to our seniors!

'Elect a clown - expect a circus': Marjorie Taylor Greene slammed on social media following bizarre SOTU antics, as critics brand her a 'dollar store Cruella de Vil'

Even Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was unable to control the stupidity that is the House Republican Caucus

Like a parent to his overstimulated two year old, Mccarthy's attempts to Sssssshhhh his caucus from behind President Biden fell on deaf ears.

Today we've released a new update to our iOS app! It brings an improved sign-up flow, home screen widgets, and many accessibility improvements.

Unsolvable problem in the US that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world, and that's anywhere, not Somalia, nor Syria, not even North Korea:
- School shootings

Dear New York Times,
Forcing women to give birth against their will is “big government.” Protecting an 88-year-old program like Social Security isn’t. Whether you agree with Biden on the fine points, it’s obvious that he’s trying to save rational, democratic government from the ongoing fascist assault. That’s why it’s so disheartening to see the Times adopt the cynical framing of the fascists, as this headline does.

@prodygy I agree! Everytime I hear some commentator state that "most Democrats" don't want Joe to run in 2024, I go ballistic. Who are these Dems?

Sure, his age is not optimal but his EXPERIENCE is what we need right now. Last night made that clear as day. You are not born with that tool, age is the only way to get there.

Once the threat of Trump passes, there are an entire raft of possible Dem candidates I'd support. #Newsom2028 💜

#SOTU #Biden #RidingWithBiden

Tracking a discussion on the other site about a new rule in a FL school district in Osceola county, where students are forbidden to bring their own books to school. If another child is "exposed" to non-approved material brought in, the child with the non-approved material can be reprimanded.

Trying to find out if this has been published anywhere and can be confirmed.

1) Didn’t know tomorrow was Bagel & Lox day. I thought that was every day.
2) by . Sweet!


Turkey: 4 family members were rescued alive from under the rubble more than 40 hours after the earthquake.

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