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@TonyStark The only reason Ohio got to reject its similar amendment is because voters rejected a 60% threshold in a separate ballot measure first. So many hoops to make voters go through just to allow women rights to our own bodies.

This. This this this this. So much this. I'm tired of incompetent, stupid, criminal white people getting a pass.

@otownKim @Brynawel so 400,000 North Carolina ballots were delayed due to a computer glitch. They are only now loading those states. It is impossible to call NC with this big block of votes missing


friends this is white supremacy fighting tooth and nail.

@GottaLaff This is disgusting.
Ohioans have been voting for fair redistricting for years, but gop has fought citizens at every step along the way. This issue would have created a fair redistricting commission. Gop killed it again to preserve gerrymandering.

More: New York voters passed an equal rights amendment that enshrines protections for abortion and LGBTQ rights in the State Constitution.

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We should have made DC and Puerto Rico into states, and the former Confederacy into a permanently occupied territory without voting rights.

New York has passed an amendment to protect access to abortion.

Maryland voters approved Question 1 to establish the "right to reproductive freedom" in the state constitution

Today, Russia acted as the stochastic terrorist arm of the Republican party.

President Biden “has completed congratulatory calls to Senator-elect Lisa Blunt Rochester, Governor-elect Matt Meyer, Mayor-elect John Carney, Senator-elect Andy Kim and Governor-elect Josh Stein.” - White House

I don't like becoming the focus, especially as I'm reporting, but here is Elon Musk's mother who posted this about me before deleting it.

It begs a few questions. Why did she bring up my race and what was sad about it? Why was she digging into my race? And what does my race have anything to do with my profession?

In the event of the electoral college ends at 269-269, the presidential race should go to overtime with the tiebreaker decided by Puerto Rico.

As we exited the polling place, husband said: well, it’s done. Let’s hope this second flush sends him down the drain for good. I hate those clingons.

if you voted for Trump in 2016 I can understand it and will give you a pass if you flipped to Biden and Harris from then on

If you voted for Trump in 2020 the nicest thing I could say about you is "low info voter" or low IQ due to congenital brain defects.

If you vote for Trump in 2024 you are just a terrible person and, yes, should be shunned by good people.

Nevada voters! Nearly 14k mail-in ballots have signature issues (mostly among young people who don't have an established way of signing their names yet). Answer your phones tonight! It may be election workers attempting to cure your ballot. If they can't reach you, your ballot gets thrown out.

Maddow just said there were *32* bomb threats in Fulton county today. #Georgia

Get bent, porn-store-black-Nazi!

North Carolina doesn't want Mark Robinson

NC elects Josh Stein!


It’s your 2024 election thread!

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UNMC Transmission: "Novel way to beat dengue: Deaf mosquitoes stop having sex"

"BBC Scientists believe they have found a quirky way to fight mosquito-spread diseases such as dengue, yellow fever and Zika – by turning male insects deaf so they struggle to mate and breed.

Mosquitoes have sex while flying in mid-air and the males rely on hearing to chase down a female, based on her attractive wingbeats."

#mosquitos #dengue

My husband and grandsons who voted for the first time this year went golfing today and our one grandson is just absolutely incredulous that a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist is even allowed on the ballot. Needless to say when we voted early, he voted for freedom, values, morals and character.

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