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How is #ElonMusk paying for votes for #DonaldTrump legal? It isn't. And he would have never paid up anyway. Another reason to pass $$ to the grifter #MAGA

“Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any vote for or against any candidate…Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both” #DOJ

#election2024 #electioninterference


one of the main things that infuriate me is that rapists can try to get custody and/or visitation

that means the person they raped will have to deal with their rapist for years

this is beyond disgusting and damaging and should NEVER be allowed

an abortion ends all of that and is an option that protects the person who was raped

"There is a reason the term 'fascist' is in such wide circulation as Mr. Trump amps up a campaign increasingly built around nativism, racial resentment, fear and threats, Ms. [Ruth] Ben-Ghiat said.

'It’s a measure of the urgency and sense of emergency that Hillary Clinton and Mark Milley are using this word,' she said. 'It packs a punch.'”

~ J. Weisman

#Trump #JDVance #fascism #racism #WhiteSupremacy

Gift link from Ruth Ben-Ghiat at her Lucid blog on Substack.

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The vast majority of undocumented immigrants arrived in the U.S. before 2010. They're our neighbors, friends, coworkers, and loved ones.

Mass deportations would separate American families and rip millions of long-established immigrants out of our communities 👇🏽

Maybe Pennsylvania voters should be asking Elon Musk why he is only just now giving away money to people. If he has so much disposable money, why hasn’t he helped open new businesses, fix roads, fund schools, buy medication for the elderly, or help people get out from under mortgages?

Maybe it’s because he’s a cheap evil bastard who can spend a few million this month to buy votes, so that he can then gut the union and make everyone like in his company housing and buy from the company store.

The media is failing us again. Its focus on the non-issue of VP Harris’ “distancing herself from Joe Biden”, given Biden’s low popularity — due to his age —, is a red herring. Please, for the love of God, focus on Trump’s completely unfettered, delusional unfitness for the job of president of the United States. He is a convicted felon. He is 78 years old, the oldest candidate ever. He is a sex abuser. He admires and can be flattered and manipulated by our enemies. He will give Ukraine to Russia.

18 U.S. Code § 597 - Expenditures to influence voting

“Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and

Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—

Shall be fined… or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; & if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.”


Men aren’t “in girl’s bathrooms.”
But Donald Trump has bragged about being in girl’s dressing rooms.

Did you want to talk about that or nah?

A dock collapse on Georgia's Sapelo Island during a Gullah-Geechee festival left seven dead and six critically injured. Authorities are investigating, and rescue efforts continue as the community mourns. President Biden and Gov. Kemp expressed condolences.

👏🏻The former governor of #Ohio, a lifelong Republican, says he's voting for Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown for Senate.

"I will be joining most voters who make judgments about candidates based not just on party affiliation but, often more importantly, on the candidate and his or her character, experience and expertise."

"It's entirely possible that we're on the verge of a total Nazi takeover of the U.S. government, is the thing. ...

It's almost like most people in our media and many in our country are more committed to telling comforting fictions than to observing the actual swastika that's actually flapping around. It's almost as if people are more interested in finding a way to not know things that are difficult to ignore than they are in simply looking around and knowing."

#Republicans #Trump #Nazis

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I hope they start covering this in the way it should be, as in daily.

I think that the "disinhibition" diagnosis of dementia has strong evidence supporting it at this point especially after his public statement about how much he envies the size Arnold Palmer's cock was.

The swear words though I'm not so sure of since when he uses those are when he gets the most positive reaction from the freaks that go to his rallies. That adoration is what he wants most of all.

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