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If you’re black and poor in America, the cops will shoot you in the face if you fall asleep in your car.

If you’re white and rich in America, the cops will endorse you for president even if you get convicted of rape & fraud, and try to overthrow the government.

You cannot imagine it because it’s never happened. Any parent knows that most schools completely plotz if they even have to give a kid some ibuprofen, but on Planet Trump, school nurses can apparently do surgery in the office. At the same rally, #Trump threatened to round up undocumented #immigrants en masse & admitted it would be a “bloody story.”

#law #democracy

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Senator Tuberville (Ala.) has frozen the nomination of Lt. Gen. Ronald P. Clark to become the four-star commander of all U.S. Army forces in the Pacific, according to the senator’s spokeswoman, Mallory Jaspers.

The job for which General Clark has been nominated would place him at the forefront of the Pentagon’s efforts to contain China and defend Taiwan.

Is Tuberville holding up his nomination because he's opposed to containing China or is it because Clark is Black?


And THEN you get shot (at school - I guess that's period 3 after your gender reassignment). Not because of unfettered gun availability, but because CRIME is out of control.

People who leave things unfinished probably have a black belt in partial arts.

People may not like it, but if we can’t keep guns out of the hands of kids, it’s time for metal detectors in all schools.

Donald Trump can’t win an election fair & square, so he’s gonna try and steal it.


We need the biggest Blue Wave in American history to shut this traitor down once & for all.

There will not be a second chance.

Let’s do this.

Vote Blue.

@benroyce @504DR @johnlogic @AlliFlowers @bolson
Politics is local. Change begins at grassroots.
Some people cry every 4 yrs that no one represents them, that no candidate meets their criteria, there is no meaningful 3rd party.
I ask them what they've done for their cause in the past 4 yrs.
Creating the change we want to see is difficult, often unpleasant work. It takes time. Look at civil rights movement, women's suffrage, the labor movement. Do the hard work, vote, and carry on.


Via @emptywheel:

Worse than silence abt #Trump's crimes, media routinely repeats Trump's lies abt being treated unfairly w no fact check. That is, they serve as data mules for Trump's false claims that he didn't crime

Bruce Bartlett:
Hillary's emails were a story every day despite no actual wrongdoing, but Trump's felony convictns & crim chges are non-news. Biden's age was front pg news for wks, forcing him to step down but Trump's advanced age, obvious dementia are never mentioned. Why?

The mainstream media are DESPERATE about Donald Arlington Trump campaign collapsing and his polling in free-fall. They NEED to resurrect the illusion that this race is 'close'

Hence the fake polling now

Also all batshit crazy articles against Harris & ignoring Trump dementia

But OUR SIDE benefits

Hooray! The is back, and the are going to have a winning season!

EVERYBODY hates Ted Cruz

Democrats hate Ted Cruz
Independents hate Tred Cruz
Republicans hate Ted Cruz
Maga hate Ted Cruz

Trump hates Ted Cruz
His wife and kids hate Ted Cruz
His dog hates Ted Cruz
HIs dad ran away to go kill JFK, to get away from Ted Cruz

Even Ted Cruz hates Ted Cruz

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