Show newer Trump lawyer: "We're talking about the presidency of the USA"- Chutken "I'm talking about a 4-count indictment"

Let me get this straight. Republicans are banning books, drag shows, and life-saving gender-affirming care, all to "protect children"

But they're also rolling back child labor laws, blocking gun reform, and passing laws to force adolescents to give birth.

Do I have that right?

If we can get the price for oil down by another dozen dollars a barrel by putting off flying and such, we could put about half of the oil companies in the USA out of business by inauguration day.

That would be cool and I promise that the laid off fossil fuel workers will get my thoughts and prayers.

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Statement From President Joe Biden on the Georgia School shooting.

#POTUS Jill and I are mourning the lives cut short..........

Does anyone have a picture of any of the anti-USA protestors cleaning up any of the messes that they've made because all I've seen are pictures of campus maintenance workers having to clean up after those children?

@stonekettle No frickin’ way! It’s gotta be mental illness, or violent video games, or no prayer in schools…

It simply can’t be easy access to high-powered killing machines!

We must ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines again, require safe storage of firearms, enact universal background checks, and end immunity for gun manufacturers.

Thoughts and prayers are not enough.

Read this out loud.
If you know the original source of this, please let me know so I can give credit!

that time of the year when kittens are cutest and ready to be picked

A Kamala Harris win and a Democratic sweep would give the biggest boost to the economy, Goldman Sachs says

Via Emptywheel:


Having been the victim of a school shooter himself, Trump no longer says families should just "get over it."

Greg Bluestein:

#Trump weighs in, calling the 14-year-old charged with the shooting a “sick and deranged monster.” #gapol

Marj, you're worthless. You advocate shutting down the government every time you think of it. It's obvious you don't care about the negative impact it would have on your constituents. They will be voting you out of office NOV 5.

@KathyLK my dad taught me a simple trick I’ll never forget - invest in markets when Democrats hold power, and get out when Republicans take over. It has worked perfectly my entire life. @uspolitics

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