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Remember all the things TFG wanted to do as POTUS but was held back by advisors because they said that act would be illegal?

SCOTUS takes those concerns away for his next term...

@anthonymkreis: "What does Trump v. United States mean for the Georgia case-- it complicates things. Mark Meadows and Jeff Clark may not be able to be prosecuted at the same defendant's table as Donald Trump and some of the evidence against Trump will have to be suppressed. But 90% stands."

In the November 1932 German federal elections, the NSDAP won 33% of the vote.

These were the last free & fair elections before the Nazis seized power in 1933.

Remember: fascists don’t need to win a majority of the votes to end democracy.

They just need to split the opposition.

Fingers crossed that French left & centre right voters truly understand this before the second round.


Today, my Administration is extending overtime protections to 1 million workers making under $43,888. And next year, we extend protections to 3 million more workers by increasing the threshold to $58,656.

That means higher paychecks or more family time for millions of workers.

We are under attack from a global RW fascist insurgency.

VOTE against RW politicians

@noondlyt @TonyStark
With this one ruling SCOTUS has de facto overturned FDR’s ‘New Deal’. He was the first president to so radically and successfully expand the Federal government to serve the population.

Their coup against FDR in 1934 failed. It looks like they have finally succeeded 90 years later!

@TonyStark I really believe that people don't truly understand what happened with this ruling. It is an overturn of how the entire federal government operates. SCOTUS became that which we need to be protected from.

#SCOTUS’ decision finds not only that a president can’t be charged for any official acts, but also that evidence involving officials can’t be introduced to bolster accusations made about unofficial acts. If I’m reading this right, Chief #JusticeRoberts has reversed himself from his position during oral arguments.

#law #Trump #immunity #democracy

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There are many people in the media that are planting fake stories about Biden that some high ranking Democrats think #POTUS should step down it's not true this is all done for the appearance that Biden is stepping down it's not true.

PS; Trump is a convicted rapist felon running to destroy America and making himself king

And #PresidentBiden who had done an extraordinary job as commander in chief and we are going to allow #CNN #MSNBC #NBC dictate America fate?
Stop it and get behind Biden.

No one is abandoning Biden so people should really drop the continued baloney.
President Biden has raked in 28 million in donations since the debate.
The Repukkklifucks have now went from pissing us off to fully enraging us.
Nation fucking wide.

Update: The DPRK fired a short-range ballistic missile to the northeast around 5:05 a.m. Seoul time (2005 GMT) from near Changyon, South Hwanghae Province, according to the ROK JCS which adds that another unknown ballistic missile was detected about 10 minutes later.

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When you saw only one set of footprints in the sand it was then that the New York Times was carrying Trump.

@DemocracyMattersALot And soon friends will name and shame friends, spouses will name and shame spouses, students will name and shame teachers, children will name and shame parents, etc. The world has been there before. It did not end well! #WWII #Nazis #Hitler #Democracy

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