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Corrupt Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is continuing his gross political attack on a faith-based organization and its volunteers.

"In a filing seeking to shut down an El Paso migrant shelter, the attorney general displays his ignorance of the religious beliefs held by a quarter of Texans.”

I love Joe Biden!
Biden issues a challenge to Trump as he withdraws from traditional debate dates - CNN

The UAW's Shawn Fain absolutely DEMOLISHES Alabama Governor Kay Ivey here. The "economic model of the South"? Screwing workers.

#election #election2024 #2024election #FightForAUnion #DemsUnited #ProudBlue

Reminder: Using a school to house soldiers is a war crime precisely because your enemy is forced to bomb schools just to defend themselves.

Of course, this was UNRWA, so it was never a real school to begin with, just a terrorist training academy.

UNRWA is Hamas, Hamas is UNRWA.

#israel #hamas #politics

Watching . My goodness! It’s a documentary on the American Republican Party. 🤣

NYT just now on Mastodon:

"Trump’s Defense Cast Michael Cohen as Untrustworthy"

Trump trusted him for, what, 10 years?

@GreenFire It’s related enough.

Again, if we let incompetent and intentionally destructive forces run our country like a Trump administration that hired either incompetent people into important positions or put people in charge whose intentions are to destroy the agency they work for, these things will be the consequences.

Democrats have also tried time and time again to get Republicans to agree to an immigration bill that would more fully fund immigration services.


Tommy Tuberville says he went to Gotham to help an accused felon threaten a judge's family.

Via David Lurie:

Tuberville is a bad co-conspirator.

Aaron Rupar:

Tommy Tuberville admits on Newsmax that "one of the reasons he went" to NYC yesterday was to "overcome this gag order" #Trump #GagOrder

4 years ago, an exec for a top PPE producer testified to Congress that in Jan 2020 (as fear of covid began to spread) his firm offered to ramp up production to make 1.7 million N95 masks available to the public per week.

The Trump admin said no.

The UN revised the death toll numbers from Gaza and basically cut them in about a half. Hamas was manipulating the numbers? Shocking

Rand Paul wants to cut Social Security & Medicare because he’s a greedy selfish heartless soulless sexist racist scumbag.

He’s also a total moron & a Russian asset.

America will never be great as long our government is infested with fascist treason weasels like him.

Vote Blue.

Gazans lived in a police state with constant surveillance and harassment before October 7

New documents reveal extent of Hamas’ authoritarian surveillance in Gaza

Hamas keeps records of anyone who questions its authority and relies on a network of informants to assist its surveillance operation according to new internal documents.

⬆️ @grandmastershah Hi, I’d like to piggyback off your toot to reach out into the void. Not directed at you. So no offense 🙂

>> Lindsey #Graham Suggests Nuking #Gaza, Calls #Hiroshima ‘the Right Decision’

Hey #knowprose (and all other #Hamas & #Palestinian supporters):

#LindseyGraham might get his wish under a #Trump presidency. So carry on your anti-#Biden protests & hand the presidency to Trump, because it will totally help your #Palestinian cause.

And it will totally bring world peace.

Clarence Thomas is a greedy grifting rapist traitor just like Donald Trump.

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