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Once again, The pro-Palestine anti-Israel/Hamas protesters is not like the #civilrights movement that was a none violent strategy to break the backs of white supremacy against Black Americans, they did not destroy property or stop the functioning of businesses from operating, So don't you dare compare civil rights with SCREAMING in your FACE students which some may very well be legitimate protester However it's been proven that the majority are anti-Semitic far-left MAGA #Gaza actors.

Footage has been released regarding the attack in #Odesa, yesterday. It confirms that Russia used cluster ammunition against a civilian center in #Ukraine. One of many deliberate war crimes Russia has committed over the course of the illegal invasion of #Ukraine.

Putin's army using CLUSTER MUNITIONS ON CIVILIANS in 2024.


#arrestputin #Hague #warcrimes #ArrestPutinNow
#EU #UN #potus

Source of video: Telegram / Uniannet

80% of the #protestors arrested at Arizona State were not students.

UPDATE: ASU officials said most of the 69 people who were arrested for setting up an encampment at the Tempe campus overnight were not students, staff or faculty.

#protest #law #1stAmendment

🧵 3/

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Abortions should be legal, period. A woman could still have complications after 15 weeks and it should be up to her, her partner and her doctor to decide--not a bunch of strangers or a "national consensus" of a questionable "majority of Americans" who think it should be banned after 15 weeks. #Arizona

Mr Meadows? Congratulations, you've just been upgraded in the Trump Frequent Felon Prorgram. Arizona has just moved your criminal status from 'defendant' to 'indicted'.

Hate a nice day

Here's your feel good story on the day. Lauren Boebert's trip to the George Washington University campus today did not go exactly as planned as she was serenaded with chants of "Beetlejuice!" by the students. And yes, there is video...

Rep. Jamie Raskin, co-chair of the Congressional Freethought Caucus, has once again proposed a National Day of Reason resolution as a counter to the National Day of Prayer. The resolution celebrates Saturday, May 4, 2024, as a National Day of Reason and urges Americans to focus on the importance of reason, critical thought, the scientific method and free inquiry to resolve problems rather than turning to religion.

(The House will not approve this, but let's do it anyway) #FFRF #atheism

Fucking Florida Republicans are the lowest form of life. Soon Florida will be having 8 year olds working in the fields with the hope of breeding these worker units at first blood. Think I’m joking or exaggerating…think again!

I have been the ally to so many. Where are my allies?

⬆️ @StephanieMoore

>> this is the generation that experienced school shootings and feels abandoned by the adults and systems

I didn’t see them protest school shootings the way they are protesting the war in #Gaza.

The police didn’t break them. The propagandists broke them. These kids have no understanding of who’s driving their actions.

The police don’t want to break their bodies. They want them to go back home, dorm, or class to study. If they want to protest, they can go to a public space.


The school is not obligated to aid them in any way. If anything, it's obligated to remove them so that paying students who want to learn, not cosplay, can attend classes.

Protesters occupying an academic building claim #Columbia is causing "students to die of dehydration and starvation."

The spokesperson explains "they're obligated to provide food to students who pay for a meal plan." I.e. Columbia should deliver food into the occupied building.

Then she backtracks, and says they merely want Columbia to "not violently stop us from bringing in basic humanitarian aid."

Then she admits that isn't actually happening.

This is cosplay bullshit.

#Gaza #protest

#GOP ldrs this wk announced plans for new “oversight investigations” of #universities where — in the words of #House #Republican Whip #TomEmmer — “pro-terrorist anti-Semites [are] taking over.”& on Wed they prepared to pass a bill they said would empower the #federal govt to crack down on anti-Israel #protests on #campuses by codifying a definition of #antisemitism that encompasses not just threats against Jews, but also certain criticisms of #Israel itself.
#HouseRepublicans #Gaza #Palestinians

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A hotly anticipated cicada double brood will emerge across much of the eastern United States this year. It’s been over two centuries since these two broods last emerged in the same year, back in 1803.

Why that’s bad news for Joe Biden.

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