Already, prosecutors have alerted to the judge to 4 new potential violations. Those were not covered by Justice #Merchan’s order & will be discussed at another hearing, which will be held on Thurs morning.
In addition to fining #Trump after finding him in #contempt, Justice Merchan ordered him to remove the offending Truth Social posts today.
12/ Klasfeld adds:
Trump must pay $1,000 per violation, 👉🏼and he faces a hearing later this week on the last four.
7/ Klasfeld:
A few quick words on this:
Critics of Bragg's case have long ques whether alleged 2016 election-related conspiracy was a crime.
1st week of trial revealed Trump's accused co-conspirators feared criminal prosecution, as it happened.
As it became clear Trump would win, then-Enquirer editor in chief Dylan Howard sent a close relative a message saying the soon-to-be POTUS-elect may pardon him for "electoral fraud."
(Since Howard wasn't in court, jury couldn't see the message.)
@JuliusGoat I've been involved in many protests and is completely normal to talk about who's not welcome at the protest and what to do to get rid of them. It can be done and was done many times.
If there's not even an attempt to do so, that is a *choice* by the protest.
The idea that protests cannot realistically get rid of antisemites is nothing but a lame excuse. The reality is much more likely that they can't get rid of them because there is a consensus that these people *are* welcome there
@JuliusGoat Protests don't have to be flawless, but they need to make clear that the worst people are not welcome at their protest. And they don't. At all. Nowhere. That's a choice that reflects on the entire protest.
Texas governor says state will ignore ‘illegal’ Biden Title IX revisions
Here's what we're reading today:
An attack on #Odesa last night killed five and injured over 30. Russian troops set on fire the Palace of Students at the National University Odesa Law Academy, nicknamed "Harry Potter's Castle" due to its unique shape.
They used an Iskander missile with cluster munitions, scattering debris over a 1.5km radius. Prosecutors suspect a deliberate choice to maximize casualties.
Does this make them colonialists?
🦛 🦛Herds of endangered hippos are stuck in drying ponds in Botswana's northwest as the El Nino-induced drought takes its toll on wildlife.
In Botswana, home to one of the world’s largest hippopotamus populations, around 500 hippos are stranded as blistering heat dries up water sources, Moemedi Batshabang, director of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, told VOA.
Just saying, Fellas, if other people are telling you your behavior makes them feel endangered, maybe give that some thought instead of menacingly telling them why they're wrong or thinking up ways to be even more creepy.
"The Republican Party has never been pro-life.
Only pro-birth.
As after a child is actually born they disavow all responsibility for it, allowing it to suffer and die in the streets from exposure, malnutrition, and disease.
And then, in the final circular irony, blame the parents for birthing it."
Every two hours, a child dies in Sudan. Our global silence is deafening.
The suffering of the Sudanese may be off camera now, but it won't be in a few months when babies are starving en masse. #sudan #sudancivilwar #darfur #genocide #africa #worldnews
A landmark systematic review has concluded that regret rate for transgender surgeries is "remarkably low," comparing it to many other surgeries and major life decisions.
#transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA
They just never get it. You allow it for one religion, you allow it for all. Equality is sooo hard to understand, huh? 🙄
Satanic Temple to place ministers in Oklahoma schools if SB 36 becomes law
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