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🦛 🦛Herds of endangered hippos are stuck in drying ponds in Botswana's northwest as the El Nino-induced drought takes its toll on wildlife.

In Botswana, home to one of the world’s largest hippopotamus populations, around 500 hippos are stranded as blistering heat dries up water sources, Moemedi Batshabang, director of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, told VOA. #voanews

Just saying, Fellas, if other people are telling you your behavior makes them feel endangered, maybe give that some thought instead of menacingly telling them why they're wrong or thinking up ways to be even more creepy.


Good morning. It’s my mom’s 97th birthday. Among other things, I gave her some chocolates and she says, “Thank you, but I was hoping for
a Trump conviction.”

(Now I feel like a bad son.)


"The Republican Party has never been pro-life.

Only pro-birth.

As after a child is actually born they disavow all responsibility for it, allowing it to suffer and die in the streets from exposure, malnutrition, and disease.

And then, in the final circular irony, blame the parents for birthing it."

Before joining the conversation, ask yourself this question. Do you believe Jews have a right to a homeland (somewhere)? If yes, enter the conversation. If no, you need to evaluate your beliefs.

Please boost for reach.

Every two hours, a child dies in Sudan. Our global silence is deafening.

The suffering of the Sudanese may be off camera now, but it won't be in a few months when babies are starving en masse. #sudan #sudancivilwar #darfur #genocide #africa #worldnews

A landmark systematic review has concluded that regret rate for transgender surgeries is "remarkably low," comparing it to many other surgeries and major life decisions.

#transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

They just never get it. You allow it for one religion, you allow it for all. Equality is sooo hard to understand, huh? 🙄

#oklahoma #tst

Satanic Temple to place ministers in Oklahoma schools if SB 36 becomes law

Too many Americans believe that colleges are bastions of excellence whereas they've been corrupted by corporate money that it should be recognized by everyone that we shouldn't hold them up on pedestal.

I came to accept how utterly they lived up to my ideals after trying and failing to get the ones I worked on to acknowledge climate change is real. For the most part most of them took far too long to accept the clear science on it because it paid to deny it.

Russian politician’s wife planned to adopt #kidnapped Ukrainian boy, abandoned him due to sickness

Wife of Russian politician Sergey #Mironov forcibly took a Ukrainian girl and boy from occupied #Kherson to adopt them

Both children were taken to #Moscow in Feb 2022, but wife abandoned the boy in Oct 2022 when discovered he had health issues

Ukrainian authorities have no information where the boy is now

#Kidnappers #RussiaInvadedUkraine #HumanRights #StandWithUkraine Lawyers for Hunter Biden plan to sue Fox News 'imminently'

A letter obtained by NBC News says action is pending because of Fox’s alleged "conspiracy and subsequent actions to defame Mr. Biden and paint him in a false light."

If #cnn , #msnbc and #foxcorporation spent half as much time reporting on the #hostages as they do #sympathy #terrorists extracting demands from everyone, we might have rescued the #hamas hostages by now.

The protestors might find a 1A reason for their complaint, but only the Jewish students can rightly claim discrimination just for being Jews.

No, no, no. Comparing the campus protests in the 60’s and the campus protests today is like comparing apples and hedgehogs.

We protested the war in Vietnam because our country was boots on the ground. We lost friends, fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons.

The US is not involved in the war in Gaza. We have no vested interest. It is not our war. The students, particularly at , are being incredibly selfish.

When corporations raise prices, why is it we blame workers fighting for wages high enough to pay their bills, but don't blame the CEOs taking home record millions in pay packages?

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