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Dinesh says “We should give Hitler a hearing” as some kind of twisted free speech argument. Goes viral, hundreds of thousands of views, hundreds of replies saying “Wow, this Hitler guy DOES seem to have a point.”


If you feel like saying Trump gets away with it every time, you have the full right to say so about this. This is not justice. The rich white dude gets away with less than any other criminal. This is a bad call by the NY Appeals Court

Trump legal maneuvers pulled a rare win for him, but only delay

The #UnitedNations #Security Council on Mon passed its 1st resolution calling for a #Gaza #CeaseFire after 4 failed attempts. The #UnitedStates abstained, allowing it to pass. The resolution, backed by 14 nations including #China & #Russia, demands an immediate cease-fire during the Islamic holy month of #Ramadan & the release of all hostages. 4 previous cease-fire resolutions had failed, including 1 proposed by the #US on Fri.

#Israel #Hamas #war #Palestinians #HumanitarianCrisis #geopolitics

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I ❤️ NY!! 😆
"Cab drivers in New York City are now referring to Trump Tower as The Tish Mahal."

@AlliFlowers @msmp @TonyStark @DemocracyMattersALot @wbpeckham

thx for #dailybeast ✔️

NBC #meetthepress has an EXPLOSIVE interv with #ronnamcdaniel

She still sides with #Trump, lies on high crime, the high cost of food, but #KristenWelker pushed back that crime in major cites are all down

"The RNC was not there on #Jan6 we were not coordinating, not planning the event" (TELL ME MORE ‼️😴)

(audio file is 48mb, over the Mastodon 40mb limit, but here is url)

Translation: Local faculty concerned over RWNJ-biased campus "think tank". Campus admins get pissy because that faculty is not being deferential enough (i.e. kissing ass).

>U. of Florida Investigates Whether Professors 'Interfered' With Western-Civ Center

#Floriduh #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #HigherEd #academia

@AlliFlowers Same. He has some good guests but it's really cringey to me when he's on a dead serious subject for 10 minutes and then ends it with something like "as T-Pain said, I don't wanna be a rude dude man." It ruins great points and also great songs.

Teach so to develop students' ability to use tools and apply concepts to unfamiliar problems. Don't assume they will be able to.


If she's in the building, she's damaging truth and journalism. NBCUniversal can't even let her scrub the toilets without her damaging democracy.

If #RonnaMcDaniel is on the payroll the damage is done.

#BoycottNBCUniversal #BoycottComcast #BoycottNBC #BoycottMSNBC

@wbpeckham @DemocracyMattersALot @TonyStark @AlliFlowers @6G

I agree completely. Maddow is great. She tells it like it is, and has the education to back it up.

It’s funny how MAGA republicans absolutely hate her. They have been conned into thinking she is fake, Lib news, when in fact, she is about as truthful as it gets.

Hayes, Melber, and Lawrence, are prime examples of ethical journalists, with fact checking instincts, to call out B.S. where they see it.

The other side claims the fact checkers are the liars, in a further attempt to confuse and disempower their voters.

@6G @DemocracyMattersALot @TonyStark @AlliFlowers And, to season the point, I did not start watching Rachel Maddow because she was on MSNBC, I started watching MSNBC because they had Rachel Maddow. I will watch the good journalists develop good stories no matter what channel or network carries them. I will avoid the Q-anon conspiracy theorists, no matter what channel or network carries them.

This story demonstrates why the right wing’s mantra of ever “smaller government” is lethal. It’s the role of government to make sure products and services are safe.

When the Trump administration came into power, it shrunk the EPA.

Both parties are not the same, nor are they only marginally different or whatever nonsense some enjoy spouting out. #ElectDemocrats

EPA bans asbestos, a deadly carcinogen still in use decades after a partial ban was enacted-


TV editor Simonyan published a video showing a suspect, a young bearded man, being interrogated aggressively by a roadside, replying in heavily accented Russian to a series of barked questions. He said he’d flown from Turkey Mar4 & received instructions from unknown people via Telegram to carry out the attack in exchange for money.

#ISISK #ISIS #ISIL #IslamicState #Putin #Russia #Moscow #CrocusCityHall #Terrorism

My thanks to the NBC execs who have hired failed RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel as a political commentator on MSNBC. At last I can unglue myself from the channel and perhaps read a book, do a crossword puzzle, take a walk. I'm finding that the fear of Ronna suddenly showing up on my TV is actually quite liberating.

Members of Congress who voted for the TikTok divest-or-die bill last week "may own between $29 million and $126 million worth of stock in competing tech companies" @tomgermain

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