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Your cries of genocide are the 2024 version of “but her emails” you fucking wastes of oxygen

After noting the massive number of Palestinian deaths in Gaza and the destruction caused by Israel's military, Biden says "tonight, I’m directing the US military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the cosast of Gaza that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters. No U.S. boots will be on the ground."

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"Here in the chamber tonight are American families whose loved ones are still being held by Hamas. I pledge to all the families that we will not rest until we bring every one of your loved ones home," says Biden in SOTU.

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"Meanwhile, my predecessor told the NRA he’s proud he did nothing on guns when he was president. After another school shooting in Iowa he said we should just “get over it... Stop it. Stop it. Stop it," says Biden.

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Something I truly do not get is the Republican anti-immigrant stance. I mean, I get it as far as what they’re going for, but it’s wrong morally, historically, and economically if you want to be practical. They have so many bizarre stances but the demonization of immigrants is really fucked up.

Republicans don’t have any plans to make Americans lives better. All they’ve got is fear, hate, excuses, blame, revenge and retribution. #VoteBlue2024

Oooo Biden takes up Greene on her gambit. Says the person’s name, weaves it in, and keeps going.

I’d say really pretty well handled?

#SOTU #Biden

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Gerogia) engaging in extended heckling of Biden during the SOTU address.

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"I’m told my predecessor called Republicans in Congress and demanded they block the (border security) bill. He feels it would be a ...political win for me and a political loser for him," says Biden in his SOTU address.

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Can’t stop cracking up watching this Mike Johnson guy squirm behind the president with a remote controlled buttplug

MAGA Mike Johnson is shaking his head about Trump’s tax cuts for billionaires. Hey dude, it’s FACT. Shaking your head won’t change FACTS. Like all MAGA republicans, they’re allergic to the truth.

Yes yes yes! The most important job in the country. Public schoolteachers deserve a raise. #stateoftheunion

Now we move on to education.

Free preschool for 3-4 year old kids.


Maybe Mike Johnson can't understand the speech because it's not in Russian?

Son of a bitch!

I thought I was done with feeling #patriotic. I thought it ha become #nationalism.

It's not. It's just us. Americans working together to make all our lives better.

We did it before. I remember. I really do. We can do it again.



Biden starts talking about having the best education system in the world, and the Republican Speaker looks worried.

#SOTU #SOTU2024 #politics #USPol

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