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Trump's shoveling McBurders into his butthole mouth when all of a sudden, "Gak! Gak!" He needs the Heimlich. One of the Secret Service dudes rushes to his aid when the other stops him, signaling silently, "This needs to happen. Let it happen."


It is EVERY responsible citizens DUTY to help improve their country by voting based on accurate and intelligent information.

New: Vice President Harris just announced that the Biden administration will now allow students in the federal work study program to get paid to register people to vote and work as poll workers.

We're facing a partial government shutdown on Friday (and another next week) because Republicans keep moving the goalposts. Democrats can't give into the GOP's baseless attacks on reproductive freedom, the LGBTQ+ community and vulnerable asylum seekers and immigrants. Tell your Democratic representative to fight back against these outrageous demands.


Maybe people should watch & listen to what President Biden ACTUALLY does and says, instead of what other people say about what he does and says????

This appears to be the right time to remind everyone, that Saudi Arabia's abortion laws are more forgiving than (wannabe-theocratic) Alabama's.

"Alabama finds itself in the company of about half of Muslim-majority Middle Eastern countries, including Iran, Syria, the Palestinian territories, and Iraq, which according to United Nations and World Health Organization data, have total bans on abortions except where a woman’s life is in danger. So much for the US being land of the free."
#RuleOfLaw #JusticeMatters #WomensRights #HumanRights #AbortionRights #ThirteenthAmendment #AbortionBanIsServitude #Alabama #GOP #Insurrection #14thAmendmentSection3

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Here's a random fact: Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3000 years old and are still perfectly edible.

“Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed. That word is ‘Nazi’ Nobody cares about their motives anymore.”

- A.R. Moxon

"Republican Floats Refusing to Invite Biden For State of the Union Until Border is Secured"

Which the GOP has blocked. Funny how that works....

Grr. Some fucker just tried to shame me for expecting medical professionals to wear high-quality masks when doing procedures on me which necessitate me not wearing a mask. It’s to protect both them and me, you rectal canoe! He tried to say there was no scientific evidence masks helped. Blocked that guy. Blargh. I got COVID at the dentist office, FFS. I can’t believe we’re going back to the days when people rolled their eyes at germ theory. #MaskUp

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