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The bar the public seems to have is so low,
we don't even hear

"#Trump …spiraling into "phonemic paraphasias" during his rally speeches, which is "substitution of non-words for words that sound similar—are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of #alzheimers

"Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes 'benefishes.' Renovations become 'renoversh.'
Pivotal became 'pivobal.' Obama became 'obamna.'
Missiles became 'mishiz.' Christmas became 'Crissus.'
Bipartisan became 'bipars.'
This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language."

UPDATE: SEE COMMENTS BELOW for another article on this in Salon.

UPDATE2: another article posted in comments in STAT. See below.

If progressives want restrictions on the use of location data, all they have to do is publish a database of people that frequent gun stores and ranges. Gun nuts hate the idea of a registry, but most of them carry their phones everywhere, so big data knows who they are.

@tristansnell Clarence Thomas has taught me that some people are truly beyond the reach of justice.

Tuberville doesn’t read bills so his saying that he has to read the whole bill before he can comment on it is bs.

The ‘we need more kids’ is bullshit. We need immigrants. They have kids. Why are we shutting them out and then declaring we need more kids.


In most Red States, fertilized eggs (fresh or frozen) now have MORE RIGHTS than the women who must carry them. 🤬

Red America, where diseases have more rights than do women and children.

My mother is a Depression baby (almost 88 and still sharp as a tack) who had every communicable disease in the 30s-40s and remembers classmates who died of Polio. You can bet your bippie she got me every vaccine available — basically I’m of the first generation (born in ‘64) to benefit from ALL the vaccines for childhood diseases.

Fck these antivax disinfo asswipes for making all our children less safe.

From: @cambskeptics

No longer content with merely murdering just the elderly and disabled in Florida by discouraging masking and vaccination against COVID-19, now surgeon general Joseph Ladapo goes after school kids too by promoting #measles.

“The Alabama Supreme Court’s attack on in vitro fertilization (IVF), a pair of attacks on marriage equality, and the attack on Nex Benedict in Oklahoma and their death the next day …. We ignore their connections and danger at the peril of all who do not want this to become our national reality.”

New, at Law Dork:

A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never be able to erase the people’s love of liberty.

Brutality will never grind down the will of the free.

And Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia.

"We are a religious state. We are going to fight to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma, because we’re a Christian state."
Republican Sen. Tom Woods

Florida’s New “Special Persons Registry”: I Hate It
On January 1, 2024, Florida enacted a new law, and I hate it. The so-called “Special Persons Registry” gives Florida police the right to make lists of residents based on their disability status, including those with formal diagnoses of Downs Syndrome, dementia, autism, and others. Supposedly this will “improve relations”

Texas judge ruled that because the CROWN Act - which was passed specifically to protect hair styles such as braids, locs or twists - did not mention length of hair, the same school district the act was written in reaction to can go ahead and order a different Black student to cut off his locs. Not even having the author of the law there to explain the legislative intent mattered to Judge Chap B. Cain III.

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