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Alabama... where women's rights are...are wrong...and embryos are children...

Well shit. I guess if you are a new librarian in the job market, you may want to steer away from West Virginia. Catch is that the kind of shit that the KY legislators may look at and say, "that looks like a fine idea, let's do it here."

>West Virginia House passes bill allowing prosecution of librarians

#librarians #libraries #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #books #reading

Scenario 1 Trump/7

I did the Trumpomath for you on that $48 million ghost loan a couple of weeks ago. It is an ANNUAL tax scam worth $18M. That times 10 years is $180 million. With interest Trump owes tax man $300 million

That alone is biggest tax fraud in US history !!!

And taxman wants penalty

Oklahoma's top education official called out for Libs of TikTok ties after non-binary student beaten, killed at school

#education #highschool

Scenario 1 Trump/2

So NY AG testified to Judge Engoron under oath, that the amount of fraud they could prove took Trump wealth down from $2.5B to $1.9B

That was what she could PROVE

They certainly SUSPECT there is more fraud

And Barbara Jones said there IS more fraud

I'll use conservative estim

@tofugolem A lot of people are justifiably afraid of what will happen here at home if Biden loses the election. No choice is remotely good, but I'm compelled to vote for the option that doesn't include concentration camps for my children. It feels like as long as we keep Trump out of office, we at least have a *chance* of halting the genocide somewhere down the road. That won't exist if we become an openly totalitarian state run by a blatant racist who has gone on the record as wanting to rid the country of the "vermin" living here.

Last month a friend announced he got COVID for the third time.

A few days ago, a friend announced her entire household had COVID (I know it is at least her second time).

Yesterday, a friend canceled plans due to a sore throat. She's had COVID at least twice and this is probably indication of a third round. She went out to a birthday gathering at a crowded bar the previous night. Although she likely did not contract COVID there, she likely infected others with whatever she has.

Today, a friend announced she got COVID last February and now has it again this February.

#COVIDIsNotOver #COVID #COVID19 #MaskUp #COVIDisAirborne

Office cleaner employed by the UK's "Total Clean" to clean a London law office has been sacked for eating a one pound fifty pence, warm, leftover tuna sandwich, found on a platter she was about to throw out.

Heavens, the pilferage! This sets no standard other than Total Clean's willingness to intimidate its mostly female immigrant employees. I hope she wins her lawsuit for unfair discrimination. The client law firm could help by finding another cleaning firm.

Please ask yourself & your followers this question:
Given the exact same composition of the House, Senate, Supreme Court, etc., & the same world events, how much more could Joe Biden have accomplished had he been a dozen years younger when he took the reins? My own answer leads me to a satisfied vote for Joe in November.

Message to the candidate who spent a fortune on a Kennedy ad during the Super Bowl:
Paraphrasing Senator Lloyd Bentsen's comment to Dan Quayle: "I trusted Jack Kennedy. I believed in Jack Kennedy. I voted for Jack Kennedy and you're no Jack Kennedy!"

@AlliFlowers Right wing religious based idiocy. Embryos should never be granted personhood rights at least not in a sane world. 🤔

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