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In #Jacksonville, Donna Deegan's election was a breath of fresh air, but now, it seems like she is in over her head. None of the people which she has appointed know what they are doing or have any kind of power. Elections matter, especially the primaries. #Florida

#Conservatives Plan to Ban #Abortion and Cut #LGBT Rights Starting Next January
Project 2025’s 180-Day Playbook is a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a #fascist’s paradise.

He's not just attacking America's traditional allies and undermining alliances that make us safer.

He is also attacking active duty members of the military for serving their country.

Republicans hate America's allies because they hate America.

Republicans hate the troops because they hate America.

#Trump #Republican #treason

What a liar and what a bunch of FOOLS he leads around

Donald Trump ‘Did Nothing’ on Music Modernization Act, Key Attorney Behind Legislation Says, Despite His Claim That He Made Taylor Swift ‘So Much Money’

"Where do they stand on abortion? On immigration? On confronting foreign dictators? On prescription drug prices?

These are important issues, but they’re often complicated. Covering them might force the news media to interview experts, read reports and study statistics. Gaffes, on the other hand, are gifts to lazy journalists. Just catch a politician in a gaffe and show it every hour for a full day. No research required."

#Biden #Trump #age #MediaFail

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@hfinyow @peltast

The US cut off UNRWA funding after it became painfully obvious that this organization has been fully compromised by Hamas.

Why should America fund terrorism?

#israel #hamas #politics

Alternate headline: "Some Calif. cops are still misogynistic, controlling, religious zealot assholes!"
Some Calif. cops still sharing license plate info with anti-abortion states

#Michigan #GOP lawmaker stripped of committee, office staff after '#GreatReplacement’ post

MI State House Speaker Joe Tate (D) on Mon stripped an Oakland County #Republican lawmaker of his office staff & budget & cmte assignment for sharing a #racist population #ConspiracyTheory on social media.

#law #politics

After the Flood: Can San Diego Rise? - This article points to the clear lack of community services, including not clearing storm drains, as why almost all serious damage occurred in black and brown communities. #racism

I don't need my feet washed. Could use health care security not tied to my job, safety and freedom for my queer and non white friends and family, housing and food for people on the street, maybe a little world peace, possibly some tacos at lunch. My feet, though, are fine

NATO isn’t a pay to play set up, as Trump seems to think. It’s an Alliance that is first and foremost about US national security interests to prevent another world war originating in Europe. The US investment in NATO is worth every dollar - the only time that the article 5 collective defense clause was initiated was in response to 9/11. Our Allies came to our aid then, and it would be shameful and misguided to not do the same — Alina Polyakova #quotes #quotes #NATO #Deterrence #CollectiveSecurity #CollectiveDefense #Russia #TrumpsPutinsPuppet #RussianThreat #politics

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