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The thing about Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl is that YOU SHOULD REGISTER TO VOTE.

Right now.

Okay, now I'll be serious.

From @NPR Trump thinks that copyright legislation he signed while president made Taylor Swift "so much money," it would be "disloyal" of her to endorse Biden.

I would imagine Swifties would be annoyed and offended by the idea of a guy trying to take credit for her success.

Disloyal? Wow.

(I spent the day at the beach with Chilean in-laws and JJ. For Chileans, football is soccer.)

"For every 1,000 cases of #measles, about 200 children may be hospitalized, 50 may get pneumonia, one child may develop brain swelling along with deafness or disability, and between one and three may die.

Despite the availability of an incredibly effective #vaccine, the #disease is spreading worldwide.

Last month, the World Health Organization announced an 'alarming' 45-fold increase in measles in Europe from 2022 to 2023."

#vaccines #healthcare #antivax #conspiracy

Via Ashley K. Smalls
1:49 PM · Feb 11, 2024

"People had the privilege of never seeing these diseases thanks to vaccines and then told themselves they didn’t need vaccines because they had never seen these diseases. Great job guys!"

#Measles Now Spreading in 9 States Amid 'Staggering' #Outbreak, #CDC Warns:


WARSAW, Poland: The head of the NATO military alliance warned Sunday that Donald Trump was putting the safety of US troops and their allies at risk after the Republican presidential front-runner said Russia should be able to do "whatever the hell they want" to NATO members who don't meet their defense spending targets.


Raw Story:
Biden slams Trump's 'appalling and dangerous' NATO comments

President Joe Biden slammed as "appalling and dangerous" comments by Donald Trump downplaying his commitment to NATO, warning Sunday that the former president intends to give Russian leader Vladimir Putin "a greenlight for more war and violence."

#News #WorldNews #Ukraine #Russia #War #RussiaUkraineWar #NATO #EU

@GottaLaff NFL. Biden did not think "for a split sec that Egypt was Mexico". He misnamed a country with a border issue - pulling the wrong name out of a choice of two. People do this all the time. I do it quite often. Word memory is associative. Especially noticeable when there is an extra person in your life - the closest matching person gets mis-named a lot.

Independent of revealing what a craven despicable human being he is, Trump's encouragement for Russia to attack NATO allies who don't "pay up", demonstrates his fundamental ignorance of how treaties and international alliances work. Collective security is not a protection racket, and treaty partners are not extortion targets.

#NATO #trump

From the Internet:

Science fact: Blue Whale calves are born weighing 8,000 pounds and measure up to 26 feet long.

They are the biggest babies on the planet except for people mad at Taylor Swift for attending a football game.

#Republican #snowflakes

Oh, I'd be REALLY interested to see what label they put on the Bible. After all, in the first chapter, two women get their elderly father drunk, rape him and have children by him. Think THAT ought to warrant a warning label?

This is so silly.

#SouthCarolina #SCpol #BookBanning
Legislation targets books in public school libraries with ratings system

Breaking: NFL announces that Sunday’s Super Bowl Pregame Show will culminate in Taylor Swift skydiving from her arriving Japan flight to land on the field and oversee the coin toss.

On the complicated logistics of ejecting a passenger midflight, Boeing says: “We got this.”

I can’t convey how chilling and frankly terrifying this clip from Chinese influencer Zhou Zheng is. When I grew up in #China, no one even knew what a Jew was. Now, #antisemitism on Chinese social media has exploded. Not only does Zhou Zheng say that the Jews deserved the Holocaust, he blames Jews for all of the violence and indignities that China suffered from the British and even the Japanese in the 19th and 20th centuries. Antisemitism wasn’t useful to the Chinese nationalist narrative before but things have changed. #Jewish #Mazeldon #Politics

LGBT Executions in Yemen 

"Houthis in Yemen will publicly stone & crucify 9 gay men in “gruesome public spectacles”

To those who celebrated the Houthis for "Sticking it to Israel and the USA"....kindly go fuck yourself sincerely.

How many artists did #KanyeWest steal from in order to make his latest album? First, he stole a sample from #OzzyOsbourne despite being explicitly denied permission to use the piece, and now it appears he has stolen a sample from #DonnaSummer. While it's normal for hip-hop artists to sample other artists' work when creating their music, it's not normal to just take the IP when you're denied permission. This is straight up theft.

#KanyeIsAThief #KanyeIsAnAntisemite

Idaho doctor says she now discusses “life flight insurance” with pregnant patients in their first prenatal visits, in case they have a pregnancy complication that doctors can’t treat in state.

“It’s a little bit terrifying to know that we can’t practice our full scope ...."

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