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They are intentionally failing.

They are either Kremlin-funded, terrified of their kompromat being released, actively seeking the destruction of democracy, or some unholy mashup of the three. 😅 Right, so...

Republicans are unfit. Period.

Via Jon Favreau:

I won't vote for foreign aid without border security legislation but I voted against border security because we don't need border security legislation but I won't vote for foreign aid without border security legislation but...


After Republicans tanked the border security bill, Tim Scott says he voted against a stand-alone bill for Israel/Ukraine aid because: We should first secure our southern border.

Remember: The real freeloaders in this country are the rich, not the poor. The richest 1% evade $163 billion in taxes every year. The United States literally has a yacht tax deduction. Hello?

@8124 @GreenFire @rameshgupta @ArenaCops @marcelias

Look for "Roe is settled law".

It is wildly implausible that they were being honest to Congress and then changed their minds. Let's not kid ourselves.

North Carolina: State Orders Charter School to Repay $162,597 - Peggy Carr a neoliberal democrat that thinks public education should be privatized working in the Department of Education? via @dianeravitch #Neoliberal

#WompWomp #Wompage

Donald #Trump's name disappeared from a golf course in the Bronx that had long welcomed drivers with a large sign reading “TRUMP LINKS.” The new owner removed the sign on Thursday, another example of Trump’s withdrawal from New York City.

"Bill Maher Says He Axed Two-Hour Kanye West Podcast Interview Because ‘He’s a Very Charming Antisemite’ and ‘I’m Not Going to Contribute to This’"

"Bill Maher says he axed a Kanye West podcast interview because he doesn't want to amplify the disgraced rapper's antisemitism.#

#Kanye #Maher #antisemitism

something called "falsus in uno," which means "false in one thing, false in everything." He doesn't want to miss anything in such a big case. Trump's lawyers have until 5 pm to respond, according to the report.


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With Ronna McDaniel vacating the RNC Chair in a pivotal election year, a savvy and universally-respected political operative is needed who is as acclaimed for being a brilliant strategist as a keen tactician.

By chance, the obvious candidate is available and sitting ready to answer the call.

Any day is a good day to shatter a Republican lie. Many good days lay ahead.

Vote Dem.


Reminder that Middlesex University London is seeking volunteer moderators to participate in research about the impact of upsetting material, and how moderators cope with the work.

The survey is mostly written for salaried moderation teams, but Middlesex has asked volunteers to skip any irrelevant questions, they really want to hear from us!

The study may lead to tools you can use to help with moderator stress.

#Moderation @moderation #MastoMods #TrustAndSafety

Republican Impeachment of Mayorkas Fails
Good news for democracy and justice. Bad news for speakermjohnson, GOP and Trump.

A former U.S. State Department security officer was arrested Tuesday after being identified as having been at the Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.

Locals Say Eagle Pass Is Being Invaded by Christian Nationalists — Not Migrants #mgshare

More proof that time travel doesn't exist because if it did, someone would have gone back in time and brought Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson back here to slap Trump upside the head...

The only thing “stunning” about this vote is that they held it. They have identified no “High Crimes or Misdemeanors,” only policy differences and the GOP is desperate to look like they’re trying to do something even though they’re killing the bill they demanded for the border because Big Daddy Trump told them to.

The supreme irony of my career: During the 2022 campaign, the GOP bludgeoned me as a socialist with a hard-on for an open border.

Now I’m here in the Senate demanding a secure border and they won’t take yes for an answer.

Who wants an open border now, @senategop?

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