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BBC: "A man in the US state of New Mexico has pleaded guilty to helping a defeated Republican candidate carry out drive-by shootings at the home of Democrats." #crime #politics #gop

5/ Via Scott MacFarlane:

Court: “Former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant. But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as President no longer protects him against this prosecution.”

👉🏼Unanimous, emphatic, unequivocal ruling from appeals court👈🏼


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Introducing the Newly Appointed Special Climate Envoy, John Podesta.

John Podesta, a seasoned political strategist, has been diligently serving as a senior advisor to President Joe Biden for the past year. His primary focus has been overseeing the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act, a groundbreaking climate legislation in the United States. In light of the recent significant climate agreement reached at COP28, Mr. Podesta will assume the additional responsibility of representing

Breaking: Nikki Haley asks for Secret Service protection after threats by egged-on supporters of man she will ultimately endorse for President.

#MAGA is a minority!
There will NEVER be enough folks
of this ilk to come to power


Those same dumb folks who want to claim that Biden is the problem when it comes to Israel and Palestine are the same set of folks who want to attack Biden and the Democrats as the problem with immigration and the border — even as the very same folks claim they're promoting a progressive approach to that problem.

Which the Republicans will not in 1,000,000 years bring us, if they're empowered while the Democrats are attacked and undermined.

#Israel #Netanyahu #Trump #Biden

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Democrats basically caved in to Republicans' immigration-bill demands, and then the Republicans blocked it anyway because they believe any deal would help Biden.

A reminder that, as always, the Democrats bring handshakes to knife fights.

In another signal of Washington's growing displeasure with Israeli conduct in the occupied territory even as the allies cooperate in the Gaza war, President Joe Biden issued an executive order on Thursday barring financial transactions by settlers displacing Palestinians

Benjamin Netanyahu's office said there was "no need" for such measures while his ultranationalist coalition allies, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, issued stronger condemnations

Indicted Texas AG Ken Paxton, in kids' pants once again. This time he's seeking records of people who may have had care from QueerMed, based in Georgia, dating back to before Texas passed laws outlawing care for trans kids. The Georgia clinic refuses to turn over info to Paxton, of course.

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