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Remember when Trump enacted the Muslim travel ban right after taking office, causing nationwide turmoil? Well, he's now vowing to “restore and expand” this ban if reelected. Let's work together to ensure he never gets the chance to do so!

Earlier today, my home was targeted in a swatting attempt. This is alarming, appalling, and dangerous - and it puts real people at risk. Read my full statement:

@dukepaaron @tjcasser

The org employs over 10000 people in Gaza. It would be shocking if there weren't Hamas members in it. But it's really odd to see many people go for the few bad apples angle or more bluntly the Zionist lies angle.

There is a mature way to have this discussion. Instead we are seeing total denial of things that have been common knowledge for anyone paying even the slightest attention to the conflict for longer than a day

This WEDNESDAY 31 Jan is the day Judge Engoron ends Trump businesses


Trump Tower? Sold
Mar-A-Lago? Sold
Bedminster? Sold
Trump Scotland golf course? Sold
That ugly rustbucket airplane? Sold

Trump loses it all !!! The ruling comes NOW

Do not miss Wednesday


@DemocracyMattersALot you know those drinking fountains, could we install one with Haloperidol in every GOP senator’s office?

I figure if they are getting anti psychotic meds on a regular basis, we might all be saved a lot of worries.

“Haloperidol is also used on many different kinds of animals for nonselective tranquilization and diminishing behavioral arousal, in veterinary and other settings including captivity management.”

It sounds perfect for the setting.

Judge Barrett, when she was interviewed in 2017, she failed to disclose, as was required, that she and her husband were born and raised and current members of the dangerous cult People of Praise.


No alternative ? Have you never heard of the UNHCR ? Or any other organisation that normally deals with this ?

The UNRWA exists *only* to handle the Palestinians, and is both incompetent and complicit of terrorism.

@AlliFlowers @98Percent

Trump claims credit for record-high stock market under Biden, noting that “just the other day by my own initiative there will be an additional $83.3m in spending added to the economy.”

I do not miss
the pandemic’s early days
but as last week
was the fourth in a row
in which the plague
claimed more than 2,000 lives
and the twentieth in a row
in which the plague
claimed more than 1,000 lives
I must confess that I miss
the days when such numbers
still shocked us.

Who could have predicted that a continuous torrent of racism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism from Republicans over the past several years would translate into soaring rates of hate crimes in schools and colleges? [gift article]

@AlliFlowers jail time I am not sure but hoping we see that too. Prison, absolutely definitely Trump is convicted in each of these 4 criminal trials of this year, gets convicted in at least 2 likely 3 still this year (1 maybe 1 of 4 extend to next year by verdict). Each of 4 get sentencing to prison. MY count of Trump prison time is no longer relevant as Trump's OWN lawyers told Trump he gets 561 years out of the 712.5 years he is facing. So prison most def, jail am not sure but hope also

@AlliFlowers I am the best forecaster in this business. When other pundits said Trump won't run, I said of course he will. When others said Death Santis was the big challenger I said he won't be. He is out. I even said Nikki will beat DeSantis and she already has. So you should take my analysis of 2028 more seriously the next time. Cruz is the clear front-runner and Nikki knows this, that is why she is playing this empty field now to her best advantage. She will give Ted a strong run next time

@AlliFlowers LOL Ted Cruz is the most hated politician in America. He will take the GOP nomination in a nasty fight, and he will lose the general election worse than Trump. And Trump won't get to 40% in November 2024. This is all good, do not worry. But yes, I do not lie. Cruz is the clear front-runner for the first race when Trump is running so that will be 2028 (might have been 2024)

@AlliFlowers Judd Legum is great. Really wish he would stop posting on Twitter and come here instead.

@mjrider Also remember Robbert, in New York State if you commit a million dollars of tax fraud you go to prison, it is that simple. Trump committed $180 million dollars of tax fraud in NY. He goes to prison on this crime alone for another 20 years at least. This is ON TOP of his PERSONAL tax fraud (similar to Weisselberg who went to prison) which was worth 17 years in NY state prison


What will Judge Engoron do with Trump $48M ghost loan & tax dodge on Wednesday?

Could charge $0 & hand it to IRS
Could charge the $18M in tax fraud
Could charge the $48M in fraud loan
Could charge 10 yrs x $18M tax fraux = $180M
Could add interest $180M + $120M = $300M


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