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Every time I see “UNRWA” I think “United Nations Right Wing Association,” and I think I’ve been right all along.

Two Western officials confirmed on the condition of anonymity that they had been briefed on the contents of the dossier in recent days, but said they had not been able to verify the details. Although the United States has yet to corroborate the Israeli claims itself, American officials say they found them credible enough to warrant suspending aid.

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Hamas was in [edit] UNRWA 2 years before they were elected into government in 2006.

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"The prospect of a military standoff between 25 GOP states and the United States is not one the administration likely relishes. On the other hand, doing nothing emboldens Texas to continue enacting its twin goals of harming migrants and shifting the balance of power between the states and the federal government."

#Texas #migrants #border #FederalGovernment #Republicans

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"A proposal dubbed the 'Help Not Harm' bill, H. 4624, would prohibit anyone under age 18 from receiving gender reassignment surgery in South Carolina. Any form of puberty-blocking drug or procedure also would be illegal for minors under the proposal. The bill is sponsored by all Republicans.

'“I just think that you were born a male or you were born a female, and that’s the only two genders there are,' Hiott said. 'What you were born as, that’s what God intended you to be, and I don’t believe it should be anybody’s right to change that.'

While Hiott and two other sponsors of the bill, Davis and McCravy, couldn’t say exactly where they had heard of gender reassignment procedures being performed, either way, they said they are pushing the bill as a precaution to ensure it wouldn’t happen in South Carolina."

THIS is what passes for serious legislation in #southcarolina!
A slew of anti-trans bills were just filed in SC. Some target an issue that isn’t happening

It is an absolute clusterfuck of capitalism when the narratives being put forth are both "send your kids to school sick" (because women need to get back to the office) and "women need their reproductive rights removed because they aren't producing enough workers"

Women are a goddamn Atlas, holding the entire world on our shoulders and the rest of you pissants keep telling us how to do it properly.

The second insurrection - by Judd Legum - or “How Greg Abbott decided to audition for Trump’s VP”

Gotta share. My daughter sent me a recipe this evening, which I immediately prepared, and then consumed. Two-ingredient brownies. Yes, seriously! Melt an 11 oz pkg of semi-sweet chocolate chips. While they’re melting, beat 6 eggs. When the chocolate has melted, mix the two ingredients together. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 350. That’s it!


Trump $48M tax dodge found by Barbara Jones & handed to Judge Engoron

Trump sold FL property to Russians in 2012 as money launder. Got $48M in profit. Had to declare $18M in taxes could have kept $30M

Instead created fake loan, stole $180M over 10 years

Worth $300M

+ penalties =$900M

@AlliFlowers @sickmatter @serge I've been posting about SA, Hamas, and Russia quite a bit and thought it a good idea to share a SA voice of support.

"Bafana Modise Of South African Friends Of Israel: Hamas Is The Enemy Of The Palestinian People – The World Should Unite Against It; Israel Is Not An Apartheid State; Supporters Of Mandela Want Peace For Israel"

What does Donald Trump have over these Republicans in Congress. Watching Senator Lankford- Oklahoma, talk about immigration to Margaret Brennan on Face The Nation -- you can sense the animal fear these people have of Trump.
What does he have over them?

It was never about "protecting children." Banning gender-affirming care for all ages was always the endgame for these people. It was always a lie when they said it was just about children.

Trump’s $50 Million Mystery Debt Looks Like ‘Tax Evasion’

Trump has long claimed he personally owed tens of millions to an obscure entity related to his Chicago tower - Chicago Unit Acquisition LLC

Per a footnote in letter from court appointed monitor Barbara Jones the Trump Org now says the loan never existed


@GM7077 Fools Parade! They should demonstrate at the Iran Consulate. Supporters of the real genocide #hamas#hamasisisis #hamaswarcrimes #hamasterrorists #hamasgenocide

@AlliFlowers @RVLara23 I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. “Great” in MAGA wasn’t 1950. It’s *1850* — pre-Civil War, pre-Reconstruction.

So some dude continually insisted that a cis high school athlete was trans, even after being shown that said athlete had complied with the state's disgusting and draconian genital verification laws. Yes, said dude was banned from the event, but that's not the point.

Too many people warned EVERYONE that exactly this kind of harassment of trans AND cis people was going to become the norm, based entirely on the vibes of whoever wanted to do the harassing, but wat too many in the general public handwaved it away as unlikely or irrelevant. And here we all are.

These laws need to die.

Have you ever lived in another country?

Note that if more than one applies, choose the option furthest down the list ( and from your nation of birth 😉​)

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