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Sweet noodle kugel. Raisins, yes or no?

🇬🇧UK: "Life expectancy across the UK has fallen to its lowest level in a decade, mainly owing to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, data shows."

#COVID19UK #COVIDisNotOver @auscovid19


Greg Abbott should be up on charges.

On top of kidnapping charges for him and DeSantis , for abducting and bussing migrants to other cities without warning.

#humanrights #immigration #gregabbott #border

Sweet noodle kugel. Raisins, yes or no?

The muxe, Mexico’s “third gender,” are part of a worldwide LGBTQ+ movement - Los Angeles Times


Being pregnant in Texas deserves a CDC warning and travel advisory, seriously.

And their politicians wear that like a freaking badge.

Thank you to the voters in Taiwan.

Thank you to the fighters in Ukraine.

You remind us--who are often both too complacent about and too unappreciative of the blessings of liberty--that liberty is worth fighting for.

So is the Super Bowl going to be a PPV event this year?

Speaker Mike Johnson Wants Christianity To Rule
If we want any sense of religious freedom, we can’t let him.

The Evolution of the GOP:

From Tricky Dick to

Follow the Fascist Dick

Sorry for unfollowing you, Kay, cause you typically post some interesting things. But you just boosted someone who’s advocating a stop to the bombing…in Yemen. Seriously?

In my humble opinion, not enough has been made of Donald arguing that Joe Biden's DOJ can't prosecute him but Joe Biden could drone strike him.

"J'Accuse...!" was published #OTD in 1898 in the newspaper L'Aurore by Émile Zola in response to the Dreyfus affair.

Zola addressed President of France Félix Faure and accused his government of antisemitism and the unlawful jailing of Alfred Dreyfus, a French Army General Staff officer who was sentenced to lifelong penal servitude for espionage.


Who … who is the ultra butt fvck that had the idea to showcase this game on a streaming service!?!?!?!? This is criminal, absolute criminality!! The playoff game should always been on regular televised channels. What’s next, #SuperBowl on #peacock 😡

.. now I’m shut out. .. FVCK YOU very much.

They are taking the game away from the public and making it exclusive to certain groups. I predict hockey and baseball will be next. #disgrace

@nfl #nflplayoffs #nfl 🍿🏈

A new antisemitic dog whistle I'm seeing online is when someone doesn't want to use the word "Jews" but they want to refer to all Jews, they swap in "Israelite" as in "The Israelites ____" (where the blank is an accusation of blood libel, controlling the media, banking, or some other such nonsense).

Israelites are the tribe of Israel- ie Jews. it's the same as talking about the "Hebrews", but it *sounds* like they're talking about Israelis, with a little plausible deniability thrown in.

It is *not* a synonym for Israelis, and those that use this term know it.

#antisemitism #FediAntisemitism #HateSpeech

@TonyStark To be clear: Putin's ally Iran's Houthi proxies' terrorist Red-Sea attacks are making products for each one of us in the free world more expensive - serving the Kremlin & the stubborn enemies of a possible Middle East peace process.

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