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2/ Rep. Jamie Raskin: "By elevating his personal financial interests and the policy priorities of corrupt foreign powers over the American public interest, former President Trump violated both the clear commands of the Constitution and the careful precedent set and observed by every previous commander in chief."

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As long as Republicans are in charge of much of the nation, gun reform won't be addressed. More innocents will die, their loved ones will suffer, & America loses. Another tragedy because of gun violence:

An active shooter at another one of America's schools today. Multiple victims have been reported at Perry High School in Perry, Iowa.

#ItsTheGuns #GunReform🔫

#Estonia just flipped Putin the bird. Same-sex couples are now allowed to marry there. #NAFO

"We have yet another promising line of research for curing T1 Diabetes, even in people with no functioning islet cells left. The plan is to get other cells to differentiate into islet cells, and then to protect them from the immune system. Isn’t living in the future great?" #Science #Diabetes

At last some good news:
Scientists hail new #antibiotic that can kill drug-resistant bacteria

#Zosurabalpin has defeated strains of pneumonia and sepsis in mice, raising hopes for human trials

"In the lab, #COVID is a Level 3 biohazard. In schools, it's no big deal. I don't think you can reconcile those two statements."
- Dr. Colin Furness, infection control epidemiologist #Toronto

#BackToSchool #CleanTheAir

Long ago, I had a miscarriage that didn't expel & was making me very ill. My doc in California removed it before sepsis set in, probably saving my life.
Texas would let me die.
It's as simple as that.

🤦🏻‍♀️Insanity. #ProLifeMyAss

#Florida’s top health official called for a halt to using mRNA coronavirus vaccines on Wednesday, contending that the shots could contaminate patients’ DNA — a claim that has been roundly debunked by public health experts, federal officials and the #vaccine companies” #COVID 💉😷

New Year. Same question: How is Clarence Thomas still on the Supreme Court?

@BootsChantilly @harriettmb @Willow @QasimRashid
Now doctors have to "contend" with women who know at 16 that they would never choose to bear a child, all the way to women very close to menopause who are desperate to get pregnant, and the gamut between. It takes a special person to be a good ObGyn these's an evolving specialty.

* Director of #Communications
* #AI Governance Fellow
* Advocacy & Communications Officer, CDT Europe

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cc: @CenDemTech

Hmmph. I guess that plagiarism thing is going around. Might want to wear a mask.

Gorsuch's writings borrow from other authors

In the last 2 years, Florida allowed about $800 MILLION in state + matching funds — money meant to help Floridians with lifelong disabilities —
to go unspent.

Few people are more vulnerable than those with disabilities. There are 23,000 people on APD’s waitlist.
#DeSantis is a corrupt, evil partisan hack.

@flexghost I search for boots online and I get targeted ads for boots on every site I visit for the next month. But we can’t track down the people making bomb threats?


i have said for decades now, #abortion is the gateway drug for the #neoconfederacy and the destruction of the federal United States.

this is the losers of the Civil War saying, if we make lynching legal you can't do anything about it.

because, let's be clear: letting a woman die by not giving her the medical intervention she needs to survive is an extrajudicial death sentence.

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