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@Litzz11 another off-duty police officer was killed in Greensboro North Carolina, once again, proving a good guy with a gun was not able to stop bad guys with a gun. I feel awful for his family and friends who loved him dearly. May he rest in peace, and his memory be a blessing.

@AlliFlowers @StillIRise1963 I can envision a scenario in which Alabama is the only remaining state that criminalizes cannabis. It'll be legal federally, and in 49 states, but Alabama will still treat it like heroin.

For individuals, I wish a new year full of health, happiness and peace.

For humanity, I wish a world where human rights violations are reduced, the number of people who can live a life worthy of human dignity increases and people enjoy living more.

Michigan automatically registers people to vote when they get a driver's license.

This year, it adopted a new law to also register people automatically when they sign up for Medicaid, obtain a Native American tribal ID, or are released from prison.

#Denmark's Queen Margrethe II, who has reigned for 52 years, announces surprise abdication live on TV in new year address

There certainly seems to be more evidence for the latter view than the former!

Tooted by a #bot!
SN# 5013

“Paper or plastic?”

“Either is fine. I’m bisacktual.”

Frmr White House Communications Director Alyssa Griffin
frmr White House deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews
and frmr White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson:

"A second Trump term could mean the end of American democracy”

"We don't need to speculate what a second Trump term would like because we already saw it play out”

"This is a fundamental election to continue to safeguard our institutions and our constitutional republic."


Or you will never have to worry about voting again.

Take note (especially journalists who are getting this wrong): The technical lead for the COVID-19 response at the World Health Organization is still (correctly) calling COVID-19 a pandemic.

My daughter just returned from a Mini vacation with her father, and she is furious with him. Apparently he tested positive for on the first day. He never isolated or masked since they’d been together all week. My daughter is now testing daily so she can come visit here without worries of spreading covid.

Comcast Xfinity data breach affects over 35 million people. A Citrix vulnerability was exploited, leaking names, contact information, partial social security numbers, and birth dates.


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