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@dukepaaron That would make a great wrestling alias or something. “The Zionist Tornado.”

@dogzilla @tzimmer_history @eilonwy That’s what I’m seeing. I say disqualify him and let them “bring it on.” Joe can invoke the insurrection act and round them all up, including the congressional co-conspirators.

Either we have a constitution or we don’t. If we’re going to let them trample it out of fear of how they’ll react. We’ve already lost.

Thanks for the thread, Thomas. You said it better than I ever could. But I’ll pass on the substack.

While the west is busy discussing whether Jews are white colonialists (we're not), our black Jewish soldiers die protecting us from Hamas. Unbelievable. RIP Nir Refael Knnanian, Birhano Kasiya, Shy Tarmin, Alexander Shpitz.

#israel #idf #gaza #hamas #black

Chinese buffet. We always did Chinese buffet on Christmas Eve and went to a movie on Christmas Day.

One of the coolest things about a is the way he will lick something and pull up a big spitball and then “annoint” himself with the spit so that he smells just like whatever “it” is. Snooty is no exception.

Walked into a large hotel the other day and there was some kind of board game convention going on. All the people were loudly banging on about how good they are at their game and how quickly they got their last checkmate.

And I thought, ugh, I've had enough of these chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.

#ALweather #ALwx
FXUS64 KMOB 232247 CCA

Area Forecast Discussion
National Weather Service Mobile AL
411 PM CST Sat Dec 23 2023


(Now through Monday)
Issued at 406 PM CST Sat Dec 23 2023

A large upper cutoff low will evolve over the central US Sunday night
into Monday, with a potent negatively tilted shortwave ejects over
the lower Mississippi Va

You know Alabama Senator #Tuberville is just *itching* to say the N-word!
Tuberville on Trump’s ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ comments: ‘I’m mad he wasn’t tougher’

@AlliFlowers @johnettesnuggs @todayilearned

You both have good taste. If I was to believe the old Starkist Commercial, either you have good taste or you taste good.

I'm almost positive that Boebert has/does neither.

When the UK and #France handed over Sudetenland over to Hitler, those negotiations were done without Czechoslovakia. No peace negotiations between #Russia and #Ukraine can be done without Ukraine. Early in the war, when peace feelers were being sent out after Russia's failure to take Kyiv, President Zelensky talked about security guarantees. I can't imagine Ukraine taking any deal that doesn't allow them to continue their pursuit of a NATO membership.

@tomcapuder @riggbeck @lednabwm One of the "rules" of classic rhetoric is that it's impossible to prove universal non-existence of something. Purple unicorns may indeed exist in some galaxy of which we have no information and no way to get that information. Thus to debate something's existence in any meaningful way, the burden of proof falls on the person declaring the existence of something. If something exists there will be empirical evidence of its existence.

We are in a surge where COVID levels are higher than they have been for over 90% of the pandemic. One of the reasons that the authorities aren't properly warning you about it is that, inconveniently, the largest COVID surges happen during the biggest shopping season of each year.

@riggbeck @lednabwm

It is not the job of atheists to prove nonexistence of a god.

Theist = holds a belief in god(s)
A+theist = doesn't

That's all it is. We aren't convinced that YOUR claims are true. If you can't prove 'em, we needn't disprove 'em.


#Republicans #hate their own #constituents, and never pass up an opportunity to make their lives more difficult. In #Iowa, they literally want #poor #children to #starve. This isn't hyperbole, either. It's their actual words and policies.

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