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"#WesternValues" is #rightwing code for #ChristianNationalism. Whenever you hear them complain about people not believing in western values, they mean their bastardized version of #Christianity isn't the center of attention. And that makes them sad.

#Christofascists #religionOfHate #UnderHisEye #Gilead

Vivek Ramaswamy expressed gratitude to the FBI for arresting someone that sent him a threatening text today.

Last week he called for the FBI to demolished didn't he?

A top Pentagon official is stepping down this month, deepening the gap in confirmed leaders within the Defense Department’s policy shop as Sen. Tommy #Tuberville continues his blockade of senior military and civilian nominations.

The departure means both the No. 1 and 2 positions in DOD’s policy office will be filled with acting officials.—Politico

New mass arrest photos show IDF standing by its promise: they no longer require detainees to strip. Which increases the odds one of them will have explosives or guns stripped to their body, which increases the odds one of them will try to use them at this point, which increases the odds Israeli soldiers will respond, which increases the odds they will be blamed for mass shooting of innocents, which was the whole point to avoid, but hopefully that won’t happen and detainee honor is preserved.



#AskFedi #poll #polls

11/ Via Reilly:

Giuliani is liable not just for the harm caused by his own actions, but also for the actions of his co-conspirators, the judge tells jurors. Jurors will be required to assume certain facts in calculating damages.

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@GottaLaff Wow... I was going to say simple act of *stealing* Hunter's laptop should be enough to get him in trouble. Nope.

Because it is technically hacking, under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), Rudy and his co-conspirators could potentially be looking at doing upwards of 5 years just for "Accessing a Computer to Defraud and Obtain Value".

And just to be very clear, Giuliani and his team made it VERY public that they illegally obtained Hunter's laptop and INTENDED to hack into it.

Here is #antisemitism vignette you won’t read about in papers. Yesterday, on way to shul, my father (75) and mother (70) were attacked. After being struck from behind on head by belt and called out as Jew, my father recomposed himself and successfully chased down perp with help of nearby @beverlyhillspd.

2024 Missouri bill = covenant marriage law
When religions fail to enforce their beliefs through the church, they seek laws to do their job for them extinguishing rights of everyone, especially women.
A Theocratic Dictatorship is not Freedom!

A lot of people probably don't even remotely understand what Joe Biden does and he should 100% get credit for keeping this all from being much worse than it is.

US quietly pushing Israel to open a second Gaza crossing -

Donald Trump assures the American People that he only wants to be Dictator-for-a-Day to close the border, to open up drilling, and to remove the restriction on being a dictator for only one day.

@TonyStark So... "Moms for Liberty" want to tell parents what their kids can and can't read, while complaining about teachers doing that. Except these Moms have neither the education nor experience that teachers do.

Can't imagine how this hypocritical attempt at censorship failed. Maybe these Moms should spend their energy on getting an education themselves.

This is such a good point. Nobody asked anyone at the Republican debates if they think Kamala Harris should be able to decide who wins in 2024.

That should be the first question any reporter asks. And for God sakes, ask Trump that question. Since he tried to get Pence to make that decision, does that mean Kamala Harris can make that decision? We all know what his answer would be,

Gerrymandering contributed to a startling dearth of competition this fall. In Mississippi and Louisiana, all legislative elections that pitted candidates of different parties were decided by more than 10 percentage points.

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