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A wise boss once said “don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.”

That being said, if all you can say is the killing in Gaza needs to stop, you may as well stay silent. What do you propose to stop it? How do you propose to get Hamas to stick to a ceasefire?

Panera introduces “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” line of arsenic-laced breakfast pastries.

A wise boss once said “don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions.”

That being said, if all you can say is the killing in Gaza needs to stop, you may as well stay silent. What do you propose to stop it? How do you propose to get Hamas to stick to a ceasefire?

@TonyStark @GreenFire The claim, that "Israel created Hamas" is certainly one of the most infamous antisemitic defamations.
Sheikh Yassin would be applauding & laughing in his grave.

Help! I have a bad ear worm today. “Please grow for me,” from Little Shop of Horrors.

re: Doctor Who Special 3 

@deborahh @AlliFlowers The 3 specials have been some of the best Doctor Who. Really nailed it.

Just started Doctor Who, The Giggle. As I stay far away from announcements and spoilers, it was a grand surprise to me to discover the bad guy! I love him!

@ArenaCops @AlliFlowers @w7voa They were thrown out of Egypt and Jordan for trying to overthrow the government and assassination of the King. They then went to Syria and Lebanon where they had more success. The only thing Muslims hate more than the Palestinians of Gaza are Jews.

@AlliFlowers @w7voa Egypt had its reasons to designate Hamas a(n unwanted) terrorist organization, it refused to open its border for.
While that also contributed to prolonging the plight of Palestinian Gazans.
Not to mention Iranian regime's funding Hamas's inhumanitarian terrorist activities, but not their suffering Palestinian victims.

#FreeGazaFromHamas #IsraelPalestine #Gaza #PeaceSalaamShalom

My babies going to a “princess party” today. Aren’t they beautiful?!

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