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I almost wish we could force students to do something they love, do something that restores them. I think most of us know that the kids are not okay (heck, staff and faculty aren't okay either), but incorporating self-care can be hard to teach.

#AcademicChatter #HigherEd

"French man sentenced to 12 years in prison for antisemitic attack"

"During the heinous attack, the perpetrators tied up the couple, ransacked their home for cash under the stereotype that 'Jews don’t put money in the bank,' and subjected the young woman to rape."

#antisemitism #France

I've learned that someone telling me they're a Christian means they want an afterlife, but can't be bothered with actually doing Christian stuff. if they tell me they're not racist, they almost always are. Often, they're the same people.

Back in Reagan's day churches churches thought they could control government but it was a trick. In reality government controls churches and how their congregations vote, just like in Russia.

While attacking #ReidHoffman (#LinkedIn), #Trump managed to defame #EJeanCarroll again. He repeated the same lies for which a jury found him #liable both for #defamation & #SexualAssault. His continuing defamation could, according to a prior ruling, increase the #punitive #damages at her next #trial beginning 1/16.

#law #legal

"Should college students be disciplined for calling for a genocide against Jewish people?"

Yes. The answer is always: Yes. This isn't hard at all.

@AlliFlowers @fzer0 @lednabwm
No, it's real hats for imaginary gods.
Therefore we wear imaginary hats for.... Oh, wait.

Trump filed notice on Thurs saying he will appeal a DC judge’s ruling that he was not #immune from being charged w/ #federal #crimes for his efforts to undo the outcome of the #2020election, either by his fmr role as president or the #Constitution’s rules for #impeachment. (Both frivolous arguments)

Trump’s legal team says the charges that he conspired to #obstruct Joe #Biden’s 2020 victory should be thrown out for 2 reasons:

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If #Biden follows through this is something that will help so many people including #democrats in #2024
Just take the damn patents from greedy #drug #companies already

Remember when Republicans said Hunter had been paid $20M?

Sure, the Texas judge granted Kate Cox an abortion because without it, she may not be able to have kids in the future. But what if she didn’t want to try again? Does that make her expendable?

We are not incubators.

Corporations and guns have more rights than we do. #VoteBlue

Quote from article: Kate’s fetus bears an extra copy of chromosome 18 — a condition known as Trisomy 18. this syndrome causes a fetus to have multiple severe defects, to the heart, the brain, appendages and elsewhere.

in most cases, such a fetus dies in utero and is stillbirthed, or is born and lives a few minutes or hours.

to add more horror to this story, if Kate brings her pregnancy to term, it will very likely damage her uterus — ending her ability to have the third child she wants.

in a civilized country, Kate Cox would be free to terminate her pregnancy and try again — but she doen’t live in a civilized country. she lives in America. even worse, she lives in the state of Texas.

Tesla — cybertruck
Twitter — cybermusk
Grok AI — cyberschmuck
SpaceX — cyberamok
Neuralink — cyberfucked

"I have to say, as the father of a trans daughter, watching the Republican debate this week was really frightening. The GOP has come to a bitter, virulent, and I think genocidal consensus on trans people. They do not think trans people should exist, and they are devoted to driving them out of public life, by making public services inaccessible, by denying them health care, and ultimately by forcing them to flee Republican states or die."

~ Noah Berlatsky

#GOP #trans

Wow. While Republicans are murdering pregnant women and going on mass-shooting sprees, Democrats added 199,000 jobs.

Looking forward to Tommy Tubbyville trying to ban college football teams from states that allow abortion to compete in NCAA playoffs.

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