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Awww. 😢 #RIP Denny Laine, British musician who founded The Moody Blues and Wings with Paul McCartney, dies at 79

The acclaimed singer and guitarist died Tuesday morning after health setbacks from interstitial lung disease, his wife wrote on social media.

Exactly what we in the 1950’s heard Russia was teaching its kids.

@AlliFlowers 🤔😎 Normal — for dictatorships.

Ron DeDictatis replaces "We the People" with his very own un-American & anti-constitutional version:

"I Am the People!"

#RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice

Good morning from New York.

Trump is expected to call a Florida-based real estate broker to back up claims about Mar-a-Lago's value. The judge slammed this witness's pre-trial deposition — but found his testimony permissible.

Background, @themessenger

@AlliFlowers So libraries should be promoters of propaganda. And the only reading allowed would be govt-approved literature. Ron de Santis wants his people educated his way. And he’s such a brilliant scholar, who could argue with him?

When does the whitewashing transition into aiding & abetting traitorous domestic terrorists? "Johnson said Republicans are blurring out the faces of people on the #J6 tapes "because we don't want them to be retaliated against and be charged the DOJ." -Jake Sherman

@AlliFlowers I can't tell if this means that Ronnie is trying to be socialist or fascist or both. Althusser would agree that, naturally, libraries are ALREADY a state apparatus. but turning them into something like state media (message) is wild.

obviously, the reactionary right is not bound by values. they are bound by their bigotry.

But if true doesn't that put school libraries squarely in the remit of the 1st amendment, prohibiting them from censorship?

Libraries are there to educate, not to support state propaganda.

Lesson number 172 why NOT to infuse religion into parenting.

Mom: "any time you feel like doing that (masturbating), just remember that picture of your Great Aunt Esther. She'll be looking down on you from Heaven."

Kid: ("hope she likes watching me masturbate.")

We would have parents bring kids into the ER for psych admission for beating off. (No we never admitted them)

Holy shit get a grip, Americans.

#parenting #biology #Healthy

Remembrance. Celebration. Prevention. For the countless lives affected by HIV/AIDS, this #WorldAIDSDay is for you. #NOH8

Need a glimmer? Or are my Debbie Downers gonna say, "WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THEM!? WHAT TOOK SO LONG????!!!!!!!!"

Via Klasfeld:

"Remington Gun Factory in New York to Close Year After Sandy Hook Settlement"

Wealth of Elon Musk
2012: $2,000,000,000
2023: $245,600,000,000

Wealth of Jeff Bezos
2012: $18,400,000,000
2023: $168,200,000,000

Wealth of Mark Zuckerberg
2012: $17,500,000,000
2023: $116,600,000,000

Federal Minimum Wage
2012: $7.25
2023: $7.25

Three words: tax the rich.

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