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Highly-mutated "Pirola" COVID variant is spreading more rapidly, but vaccines seem to neutralize it

Experts warned Pirola could do serious damage if it gained a foothold. Now that it's growing, what happens next?
#AureFreePress #News #covid19 #covid

Hi, everyone:

As I posted earlier, I'm switching servers.

If you missed it, see my pinned post for how I am going about this.

Meanwhile, #FunReadingLegalDocuments, reading Chutkan's decision shooting down Trump's immunity claims.

It's here:

Here we go. The next thing Chutkan does is quote the impeachment clause and give a common sense reading. (Page 8 - 9)

Chutkan gives lots of reasons Trump's reading of the impeachment clause is absurd.

I have another: If you have to be impeached and removed to be eligible for criminal prosecution after leaving office, a person can go on a crime spree during his final days in office, before the impeachment-removal proceedings can be carried out.


Respect PEOPLE; challenge beliefs, especially extraordinary ones!

Tooted by a #bot!
SN# 4652

US tells Israel it will announce visa ban on violent settlers in coming weeks — officials.
Excellent decision. Biden is navigating this very complicated crisis with principles and skill. (BTW, most Israelis despise those settlers)

Why This LSU Professor Quit His Job As Soon As He Heard the Election Results - Slate


The contrast between what Trump is threatening and Biden is delivering could not be more stark.

At $60,990 the Cybertruck is actually cost efficient as it will double as a coffin for its occupants.

Media Holocaust Revisionism After Canada’s Standing Ovation for an SS Vet

Media coverage of the Canadian Parliament’s standing ovation for Yaroslav Hunka has included egregious Holocaust revisionism.

#Antisemitism #Canada #Genocide #History #Ukraine

Tis the season to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Saving your estranged wife in a skyscraper full of euro trash terrorists and throwing Snape from the top.

Speaker of the House #MikeJohnson wrote the foreword and publicly promoted a 2022 book that spread baseless and discredited conspiracy theories and used derogatory homophobic insults.

A day late. All you need to know about Kissinger is that he was a prominent bastard in a an era of prominent bastards.

Tesla cuts 2024 Q1 Cybertruck sales forecasts 20%, from 10 to 8.

@TonyStark @lovelylovely 💯 Not only that, but MSM (with a few exceptions) is not giving #Biden and company the credit they deserve for this.

@PDFlynn A Trump dictatorship is inevitable if a lot of people sit out the election. The public should really seriously consider the horrible things that Trump is proposing and stop playing games with its destiny. A dictatorship would be bad for everyone, and it shouldn’t even have to be said.

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