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Wow. Really...
Colts owner Jim Irsay blames arrest on police prejudice against white #billionaires | Indianapolis Colts | The Guardian

> #IndianapolisColts owner #JimIrsay said his March 2014 arrest for driving under the influence was a result of prejudice against him for being #white and #rich

@RickiTarr I gotta mute today’s question answers. I just want to scream at the respondents for being dumb, not knowing how to look up a pronunciation, and not knowing how to use a phonetic alphabet. /rant See ya tomorrow.


Kick Hungary out of the EU. Go play with Russia, see how that works out, again.

My daughter went back to NY to celebrate Thanksgiving with my son and the dads. First thing she saw was some guy pulling down posters. You know the ones.

Explosion on the Rainbow Bridge connecting New York and Ontario at Niagara. Reports from the scene say a car crashed into the toll booth and exploded. Despite the misinformation machine on Twitter, there's no confirmation that this was a car *bomb* (though, of course, that's possible.) Niagara Gazette has some good reporting form the ground:

@DrPsyBuffy I don't think it's concerted. I think it's just widespread laziness and dismissiveness. This summer I came down with some awful virus, and suspected West Nile because it has been observed in my area. I was tested for covid & flu but they had no interest in pursuing it further, telling me it probably wasn't West Nile because that's rare. Of course, if you don't test for it, your statistics will show that it's rare. I expect similar attitudes to covid in many areas.

BREAKING: Federal lawmakers demand an #SEC probe into whether Elon Musk committed securities fraud after WIRED stories shed doubt on his claims about the health and wellbeing of #Neuralink's animal test subjects.

Wanna know what being #disabled is like? Companies making wheelchairs that don't meet minimum durability standards, getting away with it, and charging for constant repairs in a planned obsolescence model while we suffer.

“Independent testing has shown that manual wheelchairs and power wheelchairs commonly do not pass minimum durability standards outlined by ANSI/RESNA (RESNA is the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America, which creates minimum standards for mobility devices for ANSI, or the American National Standards Institute). One of the big takeaways that was neutral to manufacturers is that, for the 10 most frequently prescribed wheelchair models in the sample, repairs exceeded 50 percent across all of them.”

Was watching Oregon Field Guide, a local show about all things outdoors. There was a segment about sea star die off, and the biologist was asked about why sea stars were important.

She said something utterly profound and beautiful:

"A species shouldn't have to justify to you why they should exist."

I really should sleep. In the morning there could be a deal for hostage release, and it's hard not to know.
#BringThemHome #bringthemhomenow

While I personally stopped tweeting in May, it was clear that now was the time for Flipboard to stop tweeting as well.

This is a sad outcome given that Twitter was the platform we got started on in 2010 and I was a board member there with Jack, Ev and Dick. But that Twitter is gone now. And the future is the open social web.

On Nov 21, 1927: Supreme Court Upholds Law Banning Chinese Americans from White Schools

Angelo Carusone, president of #MediaMatters, said in a statement, “This is a #FrivolousLawsuit meant to bully #X’s critics into silence.” He added that his org “stands behind its #reporting & looks forward to winning in court.”

On Mon night, #KenPaxton, the #Texas AG (recently nearly impeached), also announced that his office would open an investigation into #mmfa for “potential fraudulent activity.”

#ElonMusk #Musk #birdsite #FreePress #antisemitism #FirstAmendment #1A #law #StopHate4Profit

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