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Remember... we all said: First they come for the ... [insert group here]...then they come for you!


SCOOP: A moderate, pro-Israel Jewish Democrat is preparing a measure to condemn Rep. Ryan Zinke for introducing legislation to expel Palestinians from the U.S.

@rameshgupta @jackmaurus

I’m just making a point and not looking for an argument.
The reason #Israel will not agree to a ceasefire or even a temporary stop, is because #Hamas will simply rearm and continue their terroristic activities.
Israel is of the opinion that this maybe their best shot of rooting out #Hamas
From #Israels point of view, all of this, including #Palestinian deaths are the fault of Hamas.

Remembering Santorum, that frothy mix of feces and lube:
How Rick Santorum Ripped Off American Veterans
A controversial land deal by the presidential candidate robbed a vets’ home of tens of millions of dollars.

"There is a rumour going around that I have found God. I think this is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist."

- Terry Pratchett

Did you know that the USA has *never* elected a Pakistani American to Congress?

I’d be the first—ever.

My campaign for Congress in IL-11 is about economic, climate, & social Justice. And it’s about representation, because representation matters.

How amazing a rebuke to bigotry if Americans stood United for justice & helped me make history? I need your support. Join my campaign for US Congress. Sign up to volunteer and donate any amount at — because justice cant wait.


I think it was Finland that did that, gave houses to all the homeless, ended it completely, and it paid for itself by saving all the resources previously used on homelessness

"Jaw-dropped at some of the Gen Z turnout rates from last night's election compared to 2021.

—Temple University: 523% HIGHER
—Penn State: 300% HIGHER
—College of William & Mary: 128% HIGHER

Gen Z turned out & made Republicans find out. We will do it again in 2024. Thank a Gen Z."
Via Victor Shi

WSJ — Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi met with CIA Director William Burns and rejected a proposal for the North African country to manage security in the Gaza Strip until the Palestinian Authority can take over after Hamas’ defeat.

Any of my mutuals know about starting/running a newsletter and would be willing to help me out a little bit? LMK. Or give me a #boost, maybe a kindly stranger will see it and reach out.

This is why science is a reliable method to truth; faith is not.

Tooted by a #bot!
SN# 4371

The Electoral College is the biggest gerrymander of them all

@imstilljeremy @shepgo @SteveThompson @baruch

There are 3 problems with #Tlaib:

1. She hasn't condemned #Hamas ➡️

2. She is lying about #Biden ➡️

3. She is rallying #Muslims in #Michigan to vote against Biden ➡️

Only (1) is covered by @baruch's explanation, and I can't fault Tlaib for that.

(2) and (3) are extremely problematic as they smack of #interference in #Election2024 and endanger #US and world #security.

110/ Rubin:

After affirming her pride in her work on the Trump Hotel Collection, and specifically the Doral and Old Post Office projects, but not extending that pride to her history with the family business more broadly, Ivanka Trump is off the stand for good.

The defense promised that their examination of Ivanka would move into tomorrow; now that it’s not the case, the principal law clerk asks if they have a witness for tomorrow. They don’t.

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Polling places ran out of ballots in heavily Black communities. This is unacceptable and can’t be allowed to happen again.
#Mississippi #ElectionInterference #GOP #NoRepublicans #DOJ #FBI

Mississippi’s Election Day Voting Failures Simply Should Not Be Happening in 2023

Problems with Presley Dem loss in Mississippi: At least NINE Hinds County polls (which includes nearly 83%-Black Capital Jackson) ran out of ballots with thousands waiting to vote, and a circuit judge denied a request to keep polls open until 9 pm.

LA County just agreed to pay a reporter $700k after she was slammed to the ground and arrested by LASD while covering a protest -- making this likely the largest payout to a reporter in connection with covering a 2020 protest so far.

What's wild is that the county apparently had such a weak case they agreed to settle before a suit was formally filed.

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