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Consider this your periodic reminder that Reagan thought having an educated populace was a bad thing, and that’s why higher education is so fucking expensive in the US.

It wasn’t always this way. We could—and should—demand better.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Republican voters are sick and tired of Republicans because they never do anything... Republicans say all this garbage... Americans feel Republicans in Congress completely fail them

If the Trump lawyers are having these many issues in a civil trial, imagine how they’re going to handle a criminal one.


⬆️ #Iran does NOT want the #MiddleEast crisis resolved in a peaceful manner.

That's why calls for #ceaseFire and calls for a political or diplomatic solution are so vacuous.

Like #Nazi, full & #final destruction of #Jews & #Israel is the stated goal of Iran's #theocracy and #Hezbollah + allied militant groups.

These are two #religions and #cultures on a collision course, and #Russia is an opportunist that is using this crisis now to further its own revanchist efforts in #Ukraine.

Given how Trump has essentially admitted to cooking the books in loan valuations on his Aberdeenshire golf course while on trial for fraud in the US, will the Scottish Government now be opening a full investigation and asking the NYAG to co-operate with the Scottish Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service?

#SNP #Trump #Scotland

Electric Pulses Induce Lung Cancer Immune Response

Results of a clinical trial show a lung cancer therapy using highly focused pulses with electrical energy show signs of immune responses that can treat the patients' tumors.

#News #Press #Science #Business #Cancer #LungCancer #Therapy #ElectricField #ClinicalTrial #Resection #Surgery #Ablation #MedicalDevice #ImmuneSystem #BCells #TCells

If there were to be any proof that God does not exist, it would be that Trump put his hand on a Bible and he did not burst into flames.

Particularly when talking about campus politics, media treat "#Jewish" as if it were synonymous with "pro-Israel"--despite polling that finds 38% of US Jews under 40 agreeing that “#Israel is an apartheid state,” and 33% believing it is committing genocide against #Palestinians.

"When my grandmother arrived here, after the Holocaust, the Jewish Agency promised her a house [..] They then took her to Ajami, in Jaffa, to a beautiful beach house. She saw that on the table there were still the dishes of the Arabs who lived there and who had been kicked out. So she went back to the agency and said, take me back to the tent, I will never do to anyone else what was done to me [..] How could we have become what we opposed?"

Hadar Morag, Israeli filmmaker


By all accounts the recording was terrible in terms of quality/audibility.

#Trump cont’d bashing #Forbes. He was all over the place, but among the things he said were:
Forbes is, 1) owned by China, 2) owned by Russia, 3) is out of business or 4) all of the above.

#Engoron mostly backed off attempts trying to reign trump’s testimony in, he let NYAG #Wallace deal w/ Trump how he wanted.

#NYAG: Why did you have the statements of financial condition prepared…2011-2017"

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Talk to parents, teachers, school nurses and counselors, young people.

They’ll tell you there’s a serious youth mental health crisis happening right now in this country.

We've made the largest investment in school-based mental health ever because no one should face this alone.

“The defendant stands alone in American history for his alleged crimes. No other president has engaged in conspiracy and obstruction to overturn valid election results and illegitimately retain power. The indictment squarely charges the defendant for this conduct, and the defendant’s constitutional and statutory challenges to it are meritless.”

Jack Smith mincing no words.

Justice #Engoron tells the #NYAG that he's following his lead, & if he wants to let the witness "ramble" on w/ "unresponsive" answers, he'll do that.

#Kise defends what he describes as Trump's "brilliant" response.

#Trump: “I have a lot of money, a lot more money than you thought."

Trump goes on to say that since his financial statements have disclaimer clauses, telling parties to do their own due diligence, there can be no #fraud. He’s totally off topic.

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article by Ken Klippenstein, Jason Paladino

Do you know your spouse/SO's cell phone number (without looking it up)?


Please boost for a wider demographic 😉

They read books in Arkansas? (Believe me, I was tempted to say something a lot less charitable.)

>Arkansas librarian out of a job for not 'banning books'

#BannedBooks #censorship #books #reading #libraries #Arkansas

Jewish activists are staging a sit-in at the Statue of Liberty, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza @jewishvoiceforpeace

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